Ceasre Lombroso Research Paper

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The classical school of criminology was developed in the eighteenth century. The classical thinking was emerged in response due to the civil forms of punishment that was dominated during that time of period. Many of the classical thinkers such as Voltaire and montensquie began to involve themselves in campaigns for more enlightened approaches to be taken forward towards crime and the punishment that was given by the justice system during that time of period. The most important part of the classical school of thought is that it involves itself of the individual criminal as a person who is capable of calculating of he/she wants to do (Criminology theory: Context and consequences page 18) For example a criminal will ask themselves if they steal …show more content…

Lombroso’s ideas were influenced by Charles Darwin of the idea of evolution, which challenged the religious principles of the nineteenth century. It had appeared clear to Darwin’s ideas that every individual member of species type did not always posses all the characteristics of that species type; which in other words, abnormalities were produced from time to time. (Understanding criminology: Current theoretical debates Sandra Walkate page 20)

These abnormalities which argued were a product of that individual member being a throwback to an earlier stage of the developmental history of species, that is atavistic. The concept of atavistic permitted the law of biogenetics to retain its universal status; aberrations were explained as being reversions to an earlier species type. The idea of atavism appealed to the criminological anthropologist, especially Lombroso. (Understanding criminology: Current theoretical debates Sandra Walkate page

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