Caw Chapter 1

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"Poison," Mac said, smoothing his beak down an errant wing feather. "Suzetta never gets caught, and she's poisoned one half-sister, a second-cousin, and two rich great aunts — who, coincidentally, all left her a fortune in their wills."
"For the hundredth time, Suzette doesn't get caught because she isn't real. Everything she does is scripted." Davie shook his head, then turned back to the morning paper.
Mac hopped from his perch on the top of a kitchen chair, to the tabletop. He and Davie needed to take action now. Amanda was on the verge of killing them, and if his calculations were on the money, it was going to happen very soon. Probably today.
"It's Suzettah," Mac corrected. "And of course she's real. She's on The Bold and the Bitchy every morning. She's a famous fashion designer."
"She plays a fashion designer," Davie said, without looking at him.
Mac kept his irritation in check. Davie always tried to sound bored when he wanted to end a conversation. Lucky for Davie, Mac wasn't about to let this particular conversation drop. Their lives depended on him getting through to his buddy.
"Lindsay Parton's on TV," Mac said. "Is she, or is she not, real?"
Davie continued reading without looking up. "Lindsay Parton is real...well, most of her, anyway. But Suzetta, and Shelby, and Damian—they aren't real people. They're actors. There's a difference."
"So if you see someone making a cake on TV, it's not really a cake."
Davie looked up, then shook his head a little, an aggravating habit he'd picked up from that bitch Amanda. Without a word, he went to the cupboard and poured himself another cup of coffee.
"So you're not a poison kinda guy," Mac said nonchalantly. "How about suffocation?"
"Now you're being ridiculous." Davie sat back...

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...So that's what this is all about. You're jealous."
Mac ruffled his feathers, sending a downy feather fluttering to the floor. "Me? Jealous? Of that conniving bitch? Ha! Don’t make me laugh."
Davie frowned. "Please. You're getting loud again. You're gonna wake her up."
"Good. What kind of wife sleeps in every morning and then makes her husband fix his own breakfast?"
"The kind that works shift work. Look. We've been through this before—"
"Too many times. Listen to yourself. No one can work that many hours, every day of the week, week in and week out. She's up to no good, I tell you."
David rolled his eyes and snorted. "When don't you think Amanda's up to no good?"
"So now it's my fault she's a bitch?"
"It takes two to tango."
"That's what I've been trying to tell you!" Mac hopped from one foot to the other. "Take Tiffany on The Bold and the Bitchy."
"Let's not."

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