Ptd Essay

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Developing More Effective Treatment Methods
1. Introduction Due to the increasing number of combat veterans experiencing psychological stress, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) remains a largely misunderstood social and psychological. While the symptoms of PTSD bare some similarity to those of depression, effective treatments require a more thorough understanding of how to apply key psychological theories in developing treatment plans. Thus, regardless of what caused PTSD symptoms, individuals with this disorder deserve more effective treatments catering to their psychological and emotional needs.
2. Symptoms of PTSD Three main symptoms of PTSD include: persistent re-experiencing of memories from witnessing …show more content…

However, the severity of PSTD symptoms depends on the number of experiences and adaptability to stressors. Diagnosing individuals with PTSD may prove counterproductive to individuals from cultures plagued by war and political violence (1031). Here, the social context of individuals with PTSD provides clues for developing effective treatment plans. Theories of suicide should also apply to diagnosing and treating PTSD symptoms by understanding how individuals wish to escape psychological pain because of they lack strong emotional support from interpersonal relationships. Specifically, the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide applies the concepts of “thwarted belongingness” and “perceived burdensomeness” in describing the belief that individuals with PTSD symptoms have feelings of social alienation as they perceive themselves as socially incompetent (Miller et al. 2). High levels of thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness suggest higher risk for suicide for individuals with PTSD that requires effective

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