Pregnancy should be a time of happiness for women, but woman who have complicated pregnancies are faced with various problems that can make their pregnancy even stressful than it already is. One of the complications of pregnancy that women go through is Gestational Diabetes. Gestational Diabetes can occur in woman who are 24 and 28 weeks pregnant. It is a condition when women develops high levels of blood glucose. It has affected 18 percent of pregnant woman worldwide.( Healthline,2014).Women who are already diagnosed with diabetes think that they are at high risk for Gestational diabetes, but this could rarely be the case. The cause of this complication is still unknown but hormones can be the main factor in why it develops. When a woman is pregnant she produces more excessive hormones, In time the hormones may interfere with the action of insulin and without insulin working properly blood glucose levels are increased causing gestational diabetes(healthline,2014). Various ethnicities of women who develop Gestational diabetes are Caucasion, African American, Hispanic, and Asian and Pacific Islanders. Women who are at risk for developing gestational diabetes are overweight women those who have a BMI of 30 or higher, high blood pressure, woman who are over 25 years old, previous miscarriages or stillbirths, and a family history of diabetes. Along with developing gestational diabetes the woman can have problems often leading to hypertension and preeclampsia during birth. Hypertension during pregnancy is when the woman will develop a blood pressure of 140/90. Hypertension is a dangerous factor considering that it can lead to other problems during pregnancy such as edema, proteinuria, and effects on the fetus. Edema can occur when inc... ... middle of paper ... ...n level in the blood which is hyperbilirubinemia. The woman’s baby may be at risk for also developing diabetes and obesity. If you have had gestational diabetes you are at a higher risk for developing it again during future pregnancies. Having Gestational Diabetes can be a significant problem in pregnancy but it does not mean that women worldwide cannot have a successful pregnancy. Having this complication means that the woman should make changes that can influence the safety of her and baby. Meaning that she should take her treatment plan seriously, following her prescribed diet, and monitoring her glucose level, followed by her prescribed medications. After pregnancy gestational diabetes should go away, the mother should continue to do exercise routines and follow a healthy meal plan after pregnancy because she still could be at risk for diabetes mellitus two.
A 46-year-old Hispanic man presented to the clinic for a routine physical and a review of his recent laboratory studies. His medical history was significant for high cholesterol. His daily medication regimen included a multivitamin, aspirin 81 mg, and simvastatin (Zocor) 40 mg for high cholesterol. His family history was remarkable for type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia in his mother, maternal grandmother, maternal aunt, and maternal uncle. Physical examination revealed a height of 69 inches, weight of 199 pounds, body mass index (BMI) of 29.4 kg/m2, waist circumference of 36 inches and blood pressure of 125/72 mm Hg. Initial laboratory results were: total cholesterol 195 mg/dL; triglycerides 136 mg/dL; low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), 124 mg/dL; high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), 44 mg/dL; and fasting plasma glucose (FPG), 119 mg/dL. Complete blood count, renal function and liver function tests were all normal. Additional studies included an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) of 157 mg/dL and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) of 5.9%. The patient’s physical exam was unremarkable with no abnormalities noted.
4: Evers IM, De Valk HW, Visser GHA (2004) Risk of complications of pregnancy in women with Type 1 diabetes: Nationwide prospective study in the Netherlands. British Medical Journal 328, 915-917.
According WebMD 2014. Diabetes mellitus (or diabetes) is a chronic, lifelong condition that affects your body's ability to use the energy found in food. There are three major types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes mellitus, type 2 diabetes mellitus and gestational diabetes. It is a hormonal disorder of the pancreas either decrease in insulin level also known as hypoinsulinism or increase in insulin level also known as hyperinsulinism. Lowered amounts, insufficient of, or ineffective use of insulin leads to the disorder of diabetes mellitus. It is common chronic disease requiring lifelong behavioral and lifestyle changes. According to Peakman (2012). The development of type 1 diabetes mellitus is a genetic and an autoimmune process that results in destruction of the beta cells of the pancreas, leading to absolute insulin deficiency. There is usually a pre-diabetic phase where autoimmunity has already developed but with no clinically apparent insulin dependency. Insulin autoantibodies can be detected in genetically predisposed individuals as early as 6-12 months of age. In persons genetically susceptible to type 1 diabetes, a triggering event, possibly a viral infection the leads to production of autoantibodies that kill the beta cells and results in decline and a lack of insulin secretion. According to Wherrett. It is caused by impaired insulin secretion and insulin resistance and has a gradual onset. Those with type 2 diabetes may eventually need insulin treatment. Gestational diabetes mellitus is glucose intolerance during pregnancy in a woman not previously diagnosed with diabetes, this may occur if placental hormones counteract insulin, causing insulin intolerance. Complications in diabetes mellitus includes: Hypoglycemia it is ca...
These women could anticipate delays in normal growth and development for the fetus. The exact cause of post term pregnancy is unknown. The mother experiencing post term pregnancy is at risk for trauma, hemorrhage, infection, and labor abnormalities (Ward et al., 2016, p. 543). Labor induction prior to 42 weeks’ gestation prevents MAS and other complications. A biophysical profile measuring the heart rate, breathing and body movements, tone, and the amniotic fluid volume is used to monitor the fetus for intrapartum fetal stress that could cause passage of meconium. Diabetic woman is at high risk for preeclampsia or eclampsia, infection, hydramnios, postpartum hemorrhage, and cesarean birth (Ward et al., 2016, p. 383). In addition, fetal macrosomia prolongs labor due to shoulder dystocia. The glucose challenge test, and the 3- hour OGTT is used for gestational diabetes screening, done after 24 weeks of pregnancy. Abnormalities of the respiratory system as explained earlier are the most concerning complication of MAS, needing immediate
The pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus in is related to the insulin hormone. Insulin is secreted by cells in the pancreas and is responsible for regulating the level of glucose in the bloodstream. It also aids the body in breaking down the glucose to be used as energy. When someone suffers from diabetes, however, the body does not break down the glucose in the blood as a result of abnormal insulin metabolism. When there are elevated levels of glucose in the blood, it is known as hyperglycemia. If the levels continue to remain high over an extended period of time, damage can be done to the kidneys, cardiovascular systems; you can get eye disorders, or even cause nerve damage. When the glucose levels are low in one’s body, it is called hypoglycemia. A person begins to feel very jittery, and possibly dizzy. If that occurs over a period of time, the person can possibly faint. Diabetes mellitus occurs in three different forms - type 1, type 2, and gestational.
One of the most crucial health problems affecting the people of Kern County is diabetes. The risk factors include: being over the age of 45 years old, having high blood pressure, having pre-diabetes, coming from an ethnic minority or low income household, smoking, being overweight or obese, physical inactivity, and eating less than five fruits and vegetables a day. Diabetes is a chronic medical condition where people identify themselves with irregular quantities of blood glucose, which can be a cause from deficiencies in the making of insulin. There are two types of diabetes that people are diagnosed with. The first one is known as Type 1 diabetes, which has to do with influences in your genetics, and Type 2 diabetes, which is brought on by choices in your daily routine. Gestational diabetes occurs while you are pregnant, and if it is not monitored well pregnant women can develop Type 2 diabetes within 5-10 years (Diabetes in C...
1. Preeclampsia. Women with this condition have high blood pressure during pregnancy, accompanied by water retention and protein in their urine. It can lead to complications including babies with low birth weight. However, if diagnosed and treated early, affected women can deliver normal babies. Treatment includes consuming a healthy, low salt diet and engaging in regular exercsie as recommended.
The purpose of this study is to research the disease Type 2 Diabetes and to discover whether it is being effectively treated and prevented in Merced County, California. According to the National Institutes of Health, Diabetes Mellitus is “a lifelong (chronic) disease in which there are high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood. It is also the most common form of Diabetes”.1 Furthermore, there are many risk and lifestyle factors associated with this disease, but the most prevalent are; obesity (#1 risk factor), sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, family history and genetics, increased age, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and a history of gestational diabetes.2 The long term complications of having type 2 diabetes can include but are not limited to; eye problems (cataracts and glaucoma), foot problems (neuropathy/ nerve damage), skin problems (infections), high blood pressure (which raises your risk for heart attack, stroke, eye problems and kidney disease), hearing loss, oral health, mental health and early death.3
First of all, diabetes also known as diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease that a person gets from high blood glucose or when your bodies cells do not respond to insulin and in some cases both (Medical News Today). There are three types of diabetes type 1, type 2, and gestational. All cases of diabetes do not affect you the same and all have different syndromes that will affect your body differently. While men can get two of these cases of diabetes, women can get all three.
According to Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, “In the United States, nearly thirteen percent of babies are born preterm, and many of these babies also have a low birth weight.” The baby may be put into the NICU for varies reasons. However, the most common reason that a child is put into the NICU is because he or she is premature. Premature means the baby was born before the 36 weeks. It is never good for a baby to be born early, as this could mean that the baby is not fully developed. There are other factors as to why a child may need to be put into the NICU after birth. For instance, birth defects can be the cause of why a baby is put into the NICU. A baby may be born with an infection such as herpes or chlamydia which can damage the newborns immune system at such a young age. Low blood sugar or hypoglycemia can also cause an infant to be put into the NICU. Some maternal factors of why a baby may be put into the NICU is if the mother is “younger than 16 or older than 40.” If the parent may be an alcoholic or expose the baby to drugs, this can put the child into NICU care. If the parent has an STD or sexual transmitted disease, the baby is most likely going to have to be put into the intensive care unit. “Twins, triplets, and other multiples are often admitted into the NICU, as they tend to be born earlier and s...
Katzen, H. and Mahler, R. (1977). Diabetes, obesity, and vascular disease. 1st ed. Washington: Hemisphere Pub. Corp. ; New York : distributed by Halsted Press, p.637.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, premature birth comes with several known risk factors or causes; however, even if these known risk factors are not present, a woman can still have a premature baby. Some of these risk factors for prematurity include: carrying more than one baby, having a previous preterm birth, problems with the cervix or uterus, chronic health problems in the mother, certain infections during pregnancy, alcohol use, or cigarette smoking. When a woman has chronic health problems (such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or clotting disorders), the baby is affected physically also, (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2009). Along with these chronic health problems, a woman has to consider her environment and how it becomes the baby’s environment also. If a woman smokes or drinks alcohol the baby is receiving all of the toxins that are deadly to a developing fetus and that also have no nourishment qualities whatsoever.
medications, proper prenatal care, and consulting with doctor about medications are effective precautions during pregnancy. Also, if suffering with diabetes, anemia, hypertension, seizure, or nutritional deficiencies during pregnancy, then these must be controlled. After birth, do not shake baby, which can lead to shaken baby syndrome and brain damage. Do not expose children to lead, this can also lead to brain damage, and give proper immunizations at the right time for the child (Bachrach, 2012).
It is crucial for a woman to maintain a good health throughout the whole pregnancy stage. Not only for her sake but also for the well-being of the yet to be born baby. Anything that is consumed during a pregnancy will affect both the mother and the growing fetus (child). Once a woman gets pregnant it is recommended that she changes her eating habits, exercise, the regular visit to the doctor office and make the changes that are needed for a healthy pregnancy. Most importantly, a pregnant woman should always avoid substances abuse because of the threat that they pose.
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is an intolerance of glucose documented for the first time during pregnancy. It is usually a short-term type of diabetes and the most common health problem with pregnant women. GBM is caused by the way the hormones in pregnancy affect the mother. GDM accounts for 5-7% of all pregnancies (American Diabetes Association, 2010). During pregnancy the placenta develops and becomes the main bond between the mother and the baby. It is used to make sure the baby has and gets enough nutrients. The placenta makes several hormones which make it hard for insulin to control blood glucose and block the action of the mother’s insulin in her body (American Diabetes Association, 2010). Hormonal changes during the pregnancy causes the body to be less sensitive to insulin. Insulin has the job of opening up the cells so that the glucose can get inside regulating the amount of glucose in the blood while glucose is the amount of sugar in the blood stream. In pregnancy, the body needs to make three times more insulin for control of the blood sugar. GDM is usually found within the second trimester of a pregnancy and increases until the end of the pregnancy. Usually within a few hours of delivery the condition resolves itself (American Diabetes Association, 2010).