Causes Of Breaking The Law Essay

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Teens know when they are committing a crime and doing something wrong. It has nothing to do with their parents, unless the parents are encouraging or taking part in the crime. Then, and only then, parents can be held responsible. It is rarely the parent’s fault, even if they do teach their children right from wrong. Morally, it's understandable for a parent to be held responsible. However, it’s no secret that teens break the law, thinking they’re basically invincible. They engage in underage drinking, vandalism, also possession, and under the influence of drugs. The answer is different depending on a number of factors. First, it depends on whether the child is being prosecuted for breaking a criminal law or sued for something civilly. In the …show more content…

Some young people commit much bigger crimes such as breaking and entering into a house, grand theft auto, even murder, and rape. Children of all ages are capable of breaking the law, but it can be speculated that adolescents tend to break the law more. Unfortunately, teens engage in risky behavior in their and high school years. Also, these crimes have severe consequences that last a lifetime. While these teens are seen as children simply making mistakes, they are still rational, mostly reasonable human beings who knowing exactly what they are doing. So, therefore, their crimes should not make their parents responsible (Emily Green). Furthermore parents cannot be responsible, because any person of sound mind is a rational being. Many people attempt to commit a crime because they think they can get away with it. The same goes for teens committing a crime, they do it, most of the time because they believe they'll get away with it. This is no reflection of one’s upbringing, only the way that person views right from wrong. Even if the children are diagnosed as mental, or crazy, it’s still not the parent’s fault, being that the parent was not supportive of the act (Stanton

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