Causes And Consequences Of The Holocaust

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January 30th 1933 was just the beginning of a long journey for many people from the cause of an ethnic conflict. This particular conflict known as the Holocaust was between two groups, the Nazis and the Jews. Jewish councils fought to protect the population; the Nazis killed the president of the Jewish council for not giving up a list of names. The Holocaust started off in Germany, but later spread all across Eastern Europe. There are different causes, goals, and steps taken from both sides in this conflict where many people were killed for being of a particular group.
The Nazis fought based on values, beliefs, and fear of the consequences of what could happen to them if they did not agree to fight. In the 19th century Jews were seen as a ‘deformity on the body politic’. Hitler blamed people of the Jewish race for all of the problems within the world and especially Germany. They were also seen as a …show more content…

These camps were known as killing centers or extermination camps. The Nazis first took them to these camps in mass arrest. Many of the Jewish people were shot dead and the rest were used for forced labor. For the first few years of the war many Jews that lived in Germany emigrated and fled the country hoping that they wouldn’t be caught. Approximately six million Jews died at the cause of the Nazis.
The holocaust is something that will never be forgotten. It was an ethnic conflict that will live on with history forever. It’s classified as an ethnic conflict because the Nazis were a group of people against a population subgroup with a common cultural tradition. This whole conflict could have been avoided if Hitler would have moved out of Germany and left the Jewish people alone. We have learned a lot from the Holocaust, but most people agree that what Hitler did was horrible and what he did to those people was

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