Cause Of National Debt In The United States

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National Debt Of America Ty Walls Statistics of National Debt The current debt trend as it is has the United States gaining about $1 trillion in debt yearly ( ). America’s GDP as of 2010 to the present is $17.914 trillion yearly. The current total national debt as of 2015 is estimated at $18 trillion, with the majority being held by foreign countries at $6.013 trillion. The second largest holders of total national debt are Social Services and Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund at $2.783 trillion. Another cause of the increase of national debt is spending deficits, at $439 billion over Federal yearly receipt; this number is projected to exceed …show more content…

Another cause of national debt is spending deficits, at $439 billion over Federal yearly receipt; this number is projected to exceed $1 trillion within a decade. As previously stated, costs caused by several social services such as Obamacare contributes $2.783 trillion to the total national debt. Public debt is defined as how much a country owes to lenders other than itself. These include corporations, people, and sometimes other governments. Services such as these go to the retirement and healthcare of America’s citizens. These services plan to pay this debt when “baby boomers” retire in the next few …show more content…

Some examples being: slow economic growth, slow response to outside threats, and increased future financial crises. National debt currently is at around 110% GDP, this means that the debt is more than what the country makes in a year. Federal spending to pay off interest on this debt to other countries will become a major problem. Our debt is seen as a “safe haven” by other countries, to be called upon in a financial crisis ( Even though the situation looks dire, the threat of a default is relatively low. Reasons being, the Federal government manages to keep interest low, and the u.s. dollar is powerful, and has remained so during many

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