Cause Of Infidelity

1149 Words3 Pages

Previti, D., & Amato, P. R. (2004). Is infidelity a cause or a consequence of poor marital

quality? Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 21(2), 217-230. doi:


Kelly A. McBride
PSY 3400

Marriages, they often say at the start, are often referred to as a state of, “pure wedded bliss.” The responsibility of cultivating and developing this vow is held in the hands and hearts of the two people that have agreed to the promise of “til death do us part.” Marriages go through periods of ups and downs, and some come to an end due to a number of reasons. One of those reasons is the incidence of infidelity. Very few marriages can actually endure the liability, pain and breach of trust of the throes of infidelity. In an article titled “Is infidelity a cause or a consequence of …show more content…

Another way to explore this issue further would be to investigate the possibility of other causes or possible risk factors that could contribute to the breakdown of a marriage, leaving the relationship open to the likelihood of the incidence of infidelity. The study also failed to collect data on the correlation of infidelity and the length of time a couple dated. I feel that this information could be considered particularly useful in finding a possible link between the length of time a couple dates and the possibility of extramarital sex. One could draw the evident conclusion that the longer a couple dates, the less likely the incidence of infidelity. Upon reading this research article, another possible avenue to explore came to mind. Could the institution of marriage itself make a relationship more prone to infidelity? This begs the question as to whether the occurrence of infidelity in marriage is comparable to that of dating unmarried

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