Cause And Effect Essay On Concussions

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Bright Lights and Nausea Imagine, your head is throbbing, like the beat of a bass drum. Your body is limp as you are laying on the stiff cott in the medical examiner's office. The white light above you is almost unbearable, but every time you close your eyes, you are harshly woken up by a flashback of the hit that left you laying on the cold hard grass. All concussions happen from around about the same cause, although, the effects can be different from person to person. A concussion is a traumatic brain injury caused by a blow to the head or body, a fall, or another injury that jars or shakes the brain (“Concussion”). 3,800,000 concussions were reported in 2012. A concussion can happen from nearly anything, but they are mainly sports related. 47 percent of those 3,800,000 concussions, came from high school football (headcase). A concussion can happen from nearly anything, but they are mainly sports related. Football, ice hockey, and soccer are the sports more prone to concussions (“Concussion”). Of course, concussions can come from other sports too. Many other things, such as playground injuries, bike accidents, falls, fights, car crashes and other sports, can be causes. …show more content…

With some people, they could pass out when getting a concussion, and others won’t. A concussion can cause the feeling of being dizzy, fatigue, and nausea. They may also cause a headache, the feeling of confusion, or temporary loss of consciousness (Mayo). The effects differ from person to person and the effects can occur at different times. One person may start showing symptoms immediately, while another may not show any symptoms for a couple hours. It all depends on the person and their brain. Everybody's brain is different. Just like no two snowflakes are

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