Cause And Effect Essay On Concussions

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Constant headaches? Memory loss? Dizziness? Those with concussions may not remember what happened before the injury nor after. A concussion may be fatal or may not be depending on how bad the impact is. The impact to the head rapidly accelerates the head causing the brain to strike the inner skull. Retired athletes who sustained concussions in early adulthood have linked the injuries to reduce memory performance and Kinesia in their late life. Concussions occur most in sports or in car accidents. A concussion is a temporary loss of brain function resulting from a like injury to the brain. A Person always need to wear appropriate gear to. Anytime anyone ride in a car or any motor vehicle wear a seat belt , if anyone happen to get in a wreck then anyone could get in a serious concussion. If anyone play a contact sport the coach should tell you how to play safely. Th coach of your team should be educated on how to treat a concussion. Wearing a seat belt could prevent serious injuries (“Prevention”) Participating in high risk sports like football, hockey, soccer, or any other contact sport the risk for getting a concussion is higher. Playing any contact sport requires a concussion form. If there is a lack of safety equipment in contact sports the risk of getting a concussion rises. Having previous concussions raises the …show more content…

The doctor or the clinic may check your hearing or vision. To check your vision they may put you in a eye test machine to figure out if you have a major concussion or not. While the doctor is checking if you have a concussion or not they may try using some strength exercises to see if you can move your body properly. Concentration is a big factor of testing for a concussion. So the doctor may test you using a concentration machine(“test and

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