Catherine Called Birdy Analysis

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Catherine, Called Birdy by Karen Cushman is a historical fiction diary because it is about an adolescent girl writing about her life from 1290 to 1291. II. Setting: The setting of the plot is in England in the year 1290. In addition, in this society, the people follow a lord. It can be seen that the plot takes place in medieval England due to the presence of the lord. “Begun this 19th day of September in the year of Our Lord 1290, the fourteenth year of my life” (Cushman 3). It is shown that the plot takes place in year 1290, and that the people follow a lord. In addition, “No wonder the baron was willing to consider alliance with a knight’s daughter” (Cushman 92). It is further implied about Catherine’s social background that she the daughter of a knight, who is not as high in society as others. III. Character: Catherine is a dynamic character who is also the protagonist of the work. Catherine is a brunette with gray eyes and sun spots on her face. “My eyes are still gray…and my hair brown…The sunspots are still there, dotting …show more content…

The conflict Catherine faces is Person versus self. “Little Bird, in the world to come, you will not be asked ‘why were you not George?’ or ‘why were you not Perkin?’ but ‘why were you not Catherine?’ ” (Cushman 17). It is depicted that Catherine tried to be everyone else but not herself. Hence, Catherine’s conflict is internal because she must change her conceptions. Catherine must accept who she is. Catherine’s conflict is resolved in the resolution. Catherine understands the Jewish woman’s advice. “And it came to my mind that I cannot run away. I am who I am wherever I am” (Cushman 202). Catherine understands she cannot be like Perkin or George, and she will not be asked if why she was not like Perkin or George. However, Catherine will be asked why she did not act like herself, and why she was not

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