Casey At The Bat Poem Analysis

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In the poem “Casey at the Bat” and the story “David and Goliath,” a comparison of David and Casey shows differences and similarities. The first similarity between Casey and David is that they were both faced with gigantic problems. While in “Casey at the Bat,” Casey was faced by the crowd of “ten thousand eyes” that wanted him to save the game and win it for the Mudville nine. The poem says, “Ten thousand eyes were on him as he rubbed his hands with dirt;Five thousand tongues applauded when he wiped them on his shirt,” and this means that Casey had a lot of people watching him and judging him while at bat. In “David and Goliath,” David was faced with the biggest problem of battling and defeating Goliath. David stated that he was confident …show more content…

In “David and Goliath,” David’s believers were King Saul and his army. They primarily had to believe in David because they really did need to win and prove their point. At the beginning of the story, it shows that Saul did not believe in David when he said, “All right,” Saul answered, “go ahead and fight him. And I hope the Lord will help you.” because David was just a boy and he thought he was too weak. The believers that Casey had in his poem were the people in the crowd and his home team. It mentions it all around the poem, but Casey did not do what the crowd wanted him to do. This leads me into my next reason why David and Casey are alike and that is that they both had a great amount of confidence. This also connects with the last two similarities because if they were not faced with those problems and didn’t have anyone to believe in them they would not have confidence. While even though Casey and David are alike in many ways they are very different. They are different because they have extremely different attitudes. Casey rubs off as a really arrogant person when he is up to bat trying to prove he is

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