Clinical Crown Lengthening Using Soft Tissue Diode Laser: A Case Series
Abstract: To aid in retention of prostheses and aesthetic purposes crown lengthening procedures are performed to by allowing placement of restorative margins and proper tooth preparation. Healthy periodontium is a key to a successful prostheses. Different treatment modalities are available for crown lengthening, eg, scalpel gingivectomy, apically displaced flap, ostectomy and lasers.
This case series describes crown lengthening procedures by using soft tissue diode laser, as this technique is easier, comfortable for patients, and provides predictable postoperative results.
Keywords: diode laser, crown lengthening, biological width, gingivectomy, gingivoplasty
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From this case series, it can be concluded that diode laser application appears to be a safe and alternative procedure for management of altered gingival contour.
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Crown Lengthening: You might need crown lengthening if you need a restoration or crown on a tooth. The problem is a result of the edge of your restoration being too close to the bone. The crown lengthening treatment gives you access to the restoration once again. This procedure basically creates a new tooth-to-gum relationship.
On his initial examination dated 23/06/13 the patient was seen for a routine full mouth scale and polish with reinforced oral hygiene instruction including flossing technique. He presented with excellent oral hygiene at this appointment which was a reflection of his commitment to good oral hygiene; tooth-brushing twice daily and dental flossing once daily. This was further supported by the patients plaque scores at 5% and bleeding scores at 4% with only minimal supra gingival calculus on lower anterior teeth. There was no erythema or oedema present on the gingival tissues.
Surgical treatment is called flap surgery. A dentist or periodontist can perform this procedure. It removes tartar deposits in deep pockets, to reduce the periodontal pockets, or to reduce the periodontal pocket. This surgery involves lifting back the gums and removing the tartar; also the gums are then sutured back in place so that the tissue fits around the to...
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Nowadays if someone has an imperfection it can be removed in the safest and easiest way with minor side effects possible which is laser removal. The laser removal treatment is a simple process where a
The perspective of a deontologist with this dilemma may seem be a bit contradictory. This is
Dentistry is a fascinating profession for its approach to patients, restoring function as well as es-thetic. I believe that Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is the most important specialty in dentistry and medicine which combines art with science. It is appealing when patients leave the Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS) clinics not only with good function and esthetic, but also in a better psychological status. And I find the AAOMS’s motto “Saving Faces.. Changing Lives..” very insi...
The laser procedure is much faster than the surgical operations. Moreover, regular visits are also not required to derive benefit of the treatment.
Tooth brushing techniques causing gingival trauma are a significant factor for gingival recession. The frequency, duration and force of brushing all contribute to recession. Excessive force and improper technique may lead to ...
Albuquerque, C., F. Morinha, J. Requicha, T. Martins, I. Dias, H. Guedes-Pinto, E. Bastos, and C. Viegas. "Canine Periodontitis: The Dog as an Important Model for Periodontal Studies." The Veterinary Journal 191.3 (2012): 299-305. University of Michigan Dearborn Library Catalog. Web. 18 Mar. 2014.
Laser therapy has been accepted widely by the general public and the medical professionals for its extensive benefits. This therapy precisely targets the affected area, minimizes the use of general anesthesia, encourages shorter hospital stay and improves the patient outcomes. These benefits have lead to its increased use and importance worldwide.
Impression materials are used to register or reproduce the form and relations of the teeth and the surrounding oral tissues (1). Making an impression represents a critical step in processing and fitting of a dental prosthesis (2). Several types of impression materials are produced. These include silicones, polyether, polysulfide and alginate which are available for crowns and fixed partial denture impressions. Silicone impression materials are considered to be suitable impression materials to use for fixed prostheses (3). Also, it has been reported that silicone has the ability to remain dimensionally stable through disinfection procedures (4). Among silicone impression materials, one type of them, called polyvinyl siloxane (PVS) is reported
Nowadays the practice of dentistry is becoming more challenging and complex because of the information explosion regarding dental materials and equipment, increasing need for continuous professional development and an increasingly litigious society. Hence there has been a paradigm shift towards evidence-based healthcare .
DiAngelis AJ, Andreasen JO, Ebeleseder KA et al. International Association of Dental Traumatology guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries: 1. Fractures and luxations of permanent teeth. Dent Traumatol 2012; 28:2–12.
Cosmetic dentistry is a specialized field that deals with improving the aesthetics of teeth and the human face. The teeth are an important part of human beauty. Even minor damage to the teeth, such as breakage or loss can drastically alter the overall appearance of the face. This is where cosmetic dentistry comes in to restore beauty. Cosmetic dentistry has become a highly specialized branch due to various advancements in surgical procedures and diagnostic techniques. Several new materials have also been discovered. These materials are very close to the natural enamel and bone from which teeth are made and are virtually indistinguishable. Cosmetic dentistry is an option in conditions such as teeth loss, gaps between teeth, cracked or chipped teeth, cavities and dental