Case Study Of Crown Lengthening

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Clinical Crown Lengthening Using Soft Tissue Diode Laser: A Case Series

Abstract: To aid in retention of prostheses and aesthetic purposes crown lengthening procedures are performed to by allowing placement of restorative margins and proper tooth preparation. Healthy periodontium is a key to a successful prostheses. Different treatment modalities are available for crown lengthening, eg, scalpel gingivectomy, apically displaced flap, ostectomy and lasers.

This case series describes crown lengthening procedures by using soft tissue diode laser, as this technique is easier, comfortable for patients, and provides predictable postoperative results.

Keywords: diode laser, crown lengthening, biological width, gingivectomy, gingivoplasty

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From this case series, it can be concluded that diode laser application appears to be a safe and alternative procedure for management of altered gingival contour.


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