Case Study Jimmy Jones

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We Know Your Pain!!!
Jimmy Jones is a 56-year-old patient who is admitted to your unit with a s/p abdominal surgery. In assessing his pain level, Mr. Jones complains a 6 out of 10 pain. When the nurse looks into the physician’s order, there are several pain medications to choose from in the patient’s medical administration record (MAR). The pain medications that are ordered are listed as follows:
• Tylenol 650 mg PO q 6 hours prn mild pain or temp greater than 100.4
• Motrin 600 mg PO q 8 hours prn mild pain
• Norco 1-2 tabs PO q 4 hours prn pain ranges 4 to 8 out of 10
• Dilaudid 2 mg IV q 6-8 hours prn severe pain

Isn't it a "painful dilemma" to determine which pain medication should be administered to Mr. Jones?


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