Case Study: Darrel Strawberry Recovery Center

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The community organization that I choose to focus on is a recovery center for substance abuse that goes by the name of Darrel Strawberry recovery center. Recovery center is located in my hometown Deland, Florida that’s 30 minutes away from Daytona Beach. Just little background about the facilities it’s a 28 day reseindetal program that design to treat addictions, when you mention it addiction it cover all drug addictions that a person is facing with. Inside the program they provided medical detoxication and treatment to the patient, however this program helped a lot of people but some people have go back because of the relapse they are face with Darrel Strawberry is an American former Major League baseball player Strawberry is well known …show more content…

With the state not funding them they have to charge people or sometimes the owner have go in there own pockets to make sure they center have what they need. Second challenge would be since the state will not fund them and a lot of people don’t have health insurance, they have to be turn around because they can’t afford to stay at the center or they don’t have family who will pay for it. The last challenge will be how to get people from coming back to the center. The reason I say that because some people leave rehab center and end back in the next two or three months, so they job at center is trying to find ways so the people won’t come …show more content…

Interview A: Yes, I believe there is a lot of room for improvement because no center is perfect by us being a new center we always have room for growth.
In the second interview, I will only list about three questions because I don’t want to list client full business.
November 14,2016 & Time 2pm on Monday
Introductions: Hello my name is Shaquille bright, I’m here to conduct interview with you about the center. I’m a graduating senior at Bethune Cookman University, the reason I choose this center because I want to know more about it and how it run. The interview will only take about two mins because I understand that you have work to do.
Interview A: hello, nice to meet you
Q: What made you come here
B: the reason I came here because I have a drug problem, where I get very frustrated and angry I tend to turn to crack and cocaine to solve my problems. I want to change my life not just for me but for my kids and grandkids because they don’t deserve to see me like this. I was clean for about six years but when I hook back up with my ex husband he turn me back to drugs and made me the person I’m. I cant blame him because im my own person but I tend do drugs because I believe it can solve my

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