Case Study: A Depressed Mom Is Given A Parking Violation

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Parking Violation 700-800 words Headline: A Depressed Mom Is Given a Parking Violation. When the Judge Hears Her Son Just Died, She Is Shocked. Summary: One grieving woman kept getting one parking ticket after another. Her judge demanded to know why she was having such a difficult time. When she answers, he is so stunned that she has to repeat herself. Introduction: Amanda had another parking ticket to deal with. When she went to the courtroom in March of 2017, Judge Phil Carter was not interested in hearing her excuses. Looking at her record, the judge saw that she had parking tickets dating back to 2004 and 2005. These parking tickets had never been paid because Amanda did not realize that they existed. Each ticket was only for …show more content…

After her son died, some of his bills passed on to her. The Social Security office reduced her monthly check to pay back what her son owed the state. Amanda tried to talk to the Social Security office, but it did not change anything. When she left the office that day, she discovered a parking ticket on her car. Her situation did not improve after that. With her monthly check reduced, she had no money left to eat and pay rent. Her landlord evicted her. She knew that he had evicted her illegally, but she could not afford to hire a lawyer to take him to court. Without her home, she had nowhere else to go. She could not afford the deposit on a new apartment, and she began to live in her car. Before long, her parking tickets quickly started to add up. - Insert a picture of Amanda's son. In the courtroom, Amanda tried to wipe away her tears. She admitted to the judge, “It seems like I just can't win.” She was still trying to pay off her son's funeral. Like most people, she had no clue that even a basic funeral could cost thousands of dollars. On top of her funeral costs, she was struggling to save money for a new apartment. In addition to her other financial burdens, she still had tickets to pay

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