Parking Violation 700-800 words Headline: A Depressed Mom Is Given a Parking Violation. When the Judge Hears Her Son Just Died, She Is Shocked. Summary: One grieving woman kept getting one parking ticket after another. Her judge demanded to know why she was having such a difficult time. When she answers, he is so stunned that she has to repeat herself. Introduction: Amanda had another parking ticket to deal with. When she went to the courtroom in March of 2017, Judge Phil Carter was not interested in hearing her excuses. Looking at her record, the judge saw that she had parking tickets dating back to 2004 and 2005. These parking tickets had never been paid because Amanda did not realize that they existed. Each ticket was only for …show more content…
After her son died, some of his bills passed on to her. The Social Security office reduced her monthly check to pay back what her son owed the state. Amanda tried to talk to the Social Security office, but it did not change anything. When she left the office that day, she discovered a parking ticket on her car. Her situation did not improve after that. With her monthly check reduced, she had no money left to eat and pay rent. Her landlord evicted her. She knew that he had evicted her illegally, but she could not afford to hire a lawyer to take him to court. Without her home, she had nowhere else to go. She could not afford the deposit on a new apartment, and she began to live in her car. Before long, her parking tickets quickly started to add up. - Insert a picture of Amanda's son. In the courtroom, Amanda tried to wipe away her tears. She admitted to the judge, “It seems like I just can't win.” She was still trying to pay off her son's funeral. Like most people, she had no clue that even a basic funeral could cost thousands of dollars. On top of her funeral costs, she was struggling to save money for a new apartment. In addition to her other financial burdens, she still had tickets to pay
Raspberry gets an idea to clean elderly houses. Her friends complain when they go in the people homes but they have no choice but to stay because they get a lot of money. One day the girls was working and they finished and got their money. When Raspberry came home their door was open and all their furniture was gone. Raspberry ran into the house and went straight in her room. She checked under her bed and in her drawers but all her money was gone. Raspberry mom came home and all they can do is just cry. Dr.Mitchell called and Raspberry mom told him the story he rushed to the house as fast as he can. Raspberry mom was just crying and crying. Dr.Mitchel got a warm rag and put over Raspberry mom head and rubbed her back until she fell asleep. Raspberry knew this was the time to ask Dr.Mitchell some questions. She asked him about him and her momma
On June 7th 2008, Sarah May Ward was arrested for the murder of Eli Westlake after she ran him over in a motor vehicle in St. Leonards. Prior to the incident the offender had been driving the wrong way down Christine Lane which was a one way street. Whilst this was occurring she was intoxicated, under the influence of marijuana, valium, and ecstasy and was unlicensed to drive. The victim and his brother who were also intoxicated, where walking down the lane and where nearly hit by the offender. This prompted the victim to throw cheese balls at the car and make a few sarcastic remarks regarding her driving ability. After a brief confrontation between the two parties the victim and his brother turned away and proceeded to walk down Lithgow Street. The offender followed the victim into the street and drove into him while he was crossing a driveway.
Mary Jane was a woman from California she was married to a man by the name of Dan and they had two children Brad and Stacey. They had to move to Seattle because her husband Dan had gotten a job offer at Microrule. When they moved it wasn't long before when Mary Jane found a job as a supervisor at First Guarantee Financial, this was one of Seattle's largest financial institutions. Everything had been going good for both of them. Then after twelve months of being in Seattle Mary Jane's husband was rushed to the hospital with a burst aneurysm unfortunately he never regained consciousness and then died. It was real tough on Mary Jane but she went on, she had to support her family as a single parent. So three years had gone by when Mary Jane accepted a promotion to move up to the third floor at First Guarantee Financial. The third floor was a place that everyone talked about they basically bad mouthed about them, they did not have a good reputation. They were known as the energy dump. The only reason why Mary Jane was taking this job was because when her husband passed away not all the medical expenses were covered so she had to pay for them and provide for the family. At the same time she wondered what had she gotten into. If she only knew what she had in for her?
At lunch the children are rowdy and need to be calmed down. The father says, "Maybe we could try a little quiet today." The girl replies, "You sound like your tombstone. Remember what you wanted it to say?" Her brother joins in by saying, "Today will be a quiet day. Because it never is around us." (Hempel 1204). Shortly after completing their meal, the girl asks about her dog. "Did anyone remember to feed him?" she asks (Hempel 1205). The boy again brings death into the picture by saying that he forgot to feed the dog and then proceeds to remind her about her previous dog. She was told the dog was taken to a sheep farm where, in reality, the dog was put to sleep. Naturally, the girl began to cry.
On December 15, 2005, Minnie Smith was found dead in the home she shared with her husband, Marvin Smith. Smith was charged with first-degree murder for the death of his wife. At the end of the trial, the prosecution asked for and received an aiding-and-abetting instruction, which would allow the jury to convict Smith even if they found that he had not delivered the fatal blow. The jury convicted Smith but did not specify which theory of guilt they adopted. The California Court of Appeal affirmed the conviction and rejected Smith’s argument that he had not been given adequate notice of the possibility of the aiding-and-abetting instruction. The California Supreme Court denied Smith’s petition for review.
The Board of Directors at the hospital informed John Q. Archibald that his medical insurance would not cover the $250k heart transplant surgery, and if he could not come up with at least $75k, his son Michael will die. John Q. Archibald tried selling most of his belongings, filing an appeal with his insurance company, reaching out to the church, and going to the news, but he did not acquire enough money needed for the surgery. John Q. Archibald’s wife informed him that the hospital will be releasing their son to die at home, and she demands that he “does something.”
Mama and her family were about to receive a check for $10,000 from the deceased Mr. Younger’s insurance policy. This money seemed like the answer to the family’s’ prayers. Everyone seemed to have big dreams for the money. Mama wanted to buy a house, Walter wanted to invest the money into a liquor store, and Beneatha wanted to use the money for her medical school tuition. Ruth agreed with Mama’s ideal of buying a house and she thought that the house would provide more space and opportunity for her son.
him in a lineup (Neufeld and Scheck). This relates to the wrongful conviction because she
Morrison , B. (2011). Innocent: Confession of a Welfare Mother . (1st ed.). Baltimore,MD: Apprentice House
It had three men inside; the driver began to gaze at the family. The driver got out of the car and stood beside it. All three men had guns; the children screamed again saying “we had an ACCIDENT.” The kids started to make him nervous with the questions they were asking; so he told the mother to get the kids over beside her. June asked him why he was telling them what to do.
It is July 4, 1969 in Vallejo California, Darlene Ferrin picks up Mike Mageau from his house and are heading to a Mr. ED`s a burger and fries restaurant. When they arrive it is too crowded and decide to go somewhere quiet to spend time together. Darlene and Mike are laughing and smiling when all of the sudden a car parks behind them and turns the car off. After a couple of seconds the car drives off without any act...
The year this took place was in the 1980s. The social services system was not adequate enough or had the resources to help her. Back than woman could not go to social services and ask for help, with finances, food, or support, because the head of the household had the financial obligation to maintain the home( which tends to be a male).
At age sixteen my parents were arrested by the police for drugs. The drugs provided unsafe living conditions therefore; leaving me homeless. Such a calamity to me, I bounced from couch to couch at friends for as long as I could while being adamant about not “over-staying my welcome” or letting them feel sorry for me. My car then became my primary source of shelter for a long couple months. Tangible, beat up,
Amanda wants Laura to be happy and successful, but does not understand that Laura is too shy and unmotivated to be either. When Amanda discovers that Laura has stopped going to typing class, she is beyond disappointed. When discovered Amanda yells at her daughter saying, “Fifty dollars’ tuition, all our plans- my hopes and ambitions for you- just gone up the spout, just gone up the spout like that.” Laura quit something as simple as learning how to type; this realization struck Amanda because if she cannot do that there is no way Laura could provide for herself without a husband. Mrs. Wingfield’s worst nightmare is for her children to become dependent on relatives and not being able to take care of themselves.
Unfortunately, her mother lived in poverty as this is the way her future was molded. The client was raised in a single parent household in which her mother worked two jobs to support the children. The client graduated high school and completed one year of vocational school to become a hair stylist. Her oppression once again rises to the surface with her pregnancy and dropping out of school. This was her one hope to regain her status in society. The client currently lives with her 60-year-old boyfriend who is oppressing her to live and abide by his rules since the apartment is in his name. The client feels obligated to follows his way of life and may fear the self-confidence to take the necessary steps to