Casablanca Yalta And Pottsdam

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The Allied Powers were made up of three main countries, United States, Great Britain, and Soviet Union. Their respective leaders were President Franklin Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Premier Joseph Stalin. These leaders were known as the Big Three, and decided the military strategy for the Allied Powers during World War II. The overarching plan was to have American and British troops fight on the Western front of Germany, the Soviet troops fight on the Eastern front of Germany, and the British and American troops fought in the Pacific against the Japanese. These strategies were discussed over multiple conferences, the Casablanca, Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam. The Casablanca Conference was held in Casablanca, French Morocco in 1943 and only President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill …show more content…

The Yalta Conference confirmed the priority of Germany’s unconditional surrender. “Plans were made for dividing Germany into four zones of occupation (American, British, French, and Soviet) under a unified control commission in Berlin, for war crimes trials, and for a study of the reparations question” (Lagasse). The Potsdam Conference was the final conference, and President Truman replaced Roosevelt in the Big Three. This conference was held shortly after the unconditional surrender of Germany and it was aimed at determining the demilitarization, destruction of the Nazi ideology, and the establishment of new control of Germany. Another outcome of the Potsdam Conference was the Potsdam Declaration, which demanded the unconditional surrender of Japan or face total destruction. The Potsdam Declaration led to the final war aim of World War II. President Truman ordered the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. Shortly after the bombs were dropped, Japan surrendered to the United States bringing World War II to an

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