Careers in Anthropology

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Anthropology is the study of human beings, this includes their customs, behavior, clothing, language, and religion. The study has been divided into four different areas; Sociocultural, Linguistic, Archeology, and Biological. These four different cultures all study different areas but they all share the meaning of what it means to be a human. The field of Anthropology is very diverse and covers a large amount of other fields of study and can prepare you for many areas in the work force.
The four subdivisions of Anthropology are diverse and cover a lot of area. Sociocultural, the first subdivision of Anthropology, is the study of people in different cultures or sub-cultures. In this field of study you interview people in different cultures or sub-cultures and compare and develop an understanding. In the subdivision Linguistic, they examine evolution and structures of languages around the world. The next subdivision, Archeology, is the study of artifacts. In Archeology they study material evidence from past cultures, these include; ruins, tools, and pottery. The last subdivision, Bio...

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