Career Opportunities: The History of Teaching

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In America today, there are various careers and opportunities available, especially in educational departments. Being a teacher is an influential and challenging job that will help influence individual lives. This career traces back from ancient Greek and Roman cultures, (561 B.C.). This research will clarify information on the history, qualifications, requirements, reflections, and the position of teachers. To choose the profession of being a teacher comes from wanting to express/generate ideas, teach children about test-taking skills, and lead American schools to success. Being a teacher is not about the tangible attributes such as money or the process of creating lesson plans, but it is about being a very influential person who is full of courage and commitment. A teacher is an individual who provide children with the basic concepts needed for the future.
The history of teaching traces back from many generations and cultures. Priests and prophets taught children the skills needed to become future business leaders and entrepreneurs. Did you know that Confucius (561 B.C.) was the first private teacher in history? Confucius was a young child full of pride and ambition, but he had no way in expressing his qualities. Confucius started teaching students who were eager to learn. Throughout his teachings, he taught the importance of responsibility and moral character. Education in America took place in the 1600’s with the landing of the Pilgrims. The first public school was developed in 1635, “Americans consider teaching as an essential part of the young country” (Riter 23). Our nation faces a difficult challenge in making a supply of well-educated teachers. There aren’t any complaints that teachers are a vital component to our future...

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