For my future career I want to be a business owner or in other words an entrepreneur, business has always fascinated me to this day some of the key point of a business owner are the duties of a business owner, the salary, the training and education, how does someone succeed in this career field and, what my goals are for this career field. An entrepreneur is individual who, instead of working for a business, runs their own business and takes all the risks and reward of a given business venue, idea, or good or service offered for sale. The entrepreneur is mainly seen as a business owner of ideas and business processes. The business owner has many important duties but the duties that are required daily like managing the employees because you …show more content…
The information that I’ve gained from this project is that I think I have what It takes to become a business owner I don’t know what kind of business I want to own yet, maybe a bunch of restaurants because I like to cook and I have a passion for food and to make people happy but I would also like to own a bowling center because I have experience working in the bowling industry for 6 years now and I’m learning more and more everyday I’m at work. The negative is that I need to take more risks I’m more of a go with the flow kind of guy and not much of a risk taker but according to my research high risk equal high reward with profit. My reaction to this is I’m very excited to get through college and learn all there is about business. My goals for achieving this career is first to finish college I think I’ll be at WTCC for at least two years and maybe a summer but ill finish out my business degree at North Carolina State University and during college I will finish my business plan just like my older brother I’m doing the same thing he is basically so I can get a business loan for said business. Also my family and close friends are always there to help me with any money situations or even to help out at the business if I need like a manager or just trusted employee I can count
An entrepreneur is an individual that organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking a greater financial risk to do so. They bring innovative products or services to the marketing world. They start a business on their own agenda and usually spend plenty of money supporting their company. Many entrepreneurs have characteristics of being confident, drive, and responsible.
An entrepreneur is someone who recognizes an opening in the market for a product or service and carries it out using initiative. Usually being innovators; entrepreneurs are risk takers in means of not knowing whether their ideas will in fact succeed (Business Dictionary, 2016). Fashion leaders are considered entrepreneurs because to be strong in the fashion industry one must attempt to stay ahead of competitors and know what is already out there as would an entrepreneur. One of Australia’s most successful fashion designers could also be considered an entrepreneur; Collette Dinnigan is an award winning fashion designer who has exhibited in London and Paris and was the first Australian to launch a ‘ready-to-wear’ collection, as well as being
In the world we live in today lawsuits are prevalent and being sued by someone could cause the business to fold. It would be wise for one to obtain all the knowledge before starting a business and it is a reason why people use the term “knowledge is power” (Clarkson & Miller, 2012). As individuals, when we lack knowledge we perform practices unknowingly which could lead to major lawsuits. Ownership of a business can be formed as sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. Potential great profit is the reason most people want to start and some do start corporations. One must have knowledge, and understand business law in order to have a positive outcome with operating an organization (Clarkson & Miller, 2012).
“Never underestimate your own strength. You were born for a purpose and are blessed with the power to achieve it” (Leon Brown). I have this quote printed out and on the wall next to my door so I can see it every day as a reminder to myself. I believe that we all have a purpose on this earth and that everything we go through on the journey there has a reason whether to teach a lesson or set an example. We have places where we want to end up and goals we want to achieve. We set these goals and dreams to help us fulfill the purpose we see for ourselves. I believe my purpose is to help people in their times of need. To fulfill my purpose, I will need to use my personal, academic and career goals to create a pathway to get to where I want to be
Finding a career that is adequate for me in life can be a difficult challenge. Since I was a little my dream job was to continue the family business back home in Ohio. Many people choose their degrees because they do not know what they want. I am very sure that the degree that I have chosen is the right one for me, which is Business and Administration. I am now attending County Community College and I wish to end my Associate Degree here in two years. After I achieve my A.A. degree at County Community College, I want to transfer to University Of Central Florida to finish my Bachelors Degree. In this paper, I will discuss the overview of my selected four-year School, the university major requirements, the transfer preparations, the career I will pursue after graduation and the interview.
I’m a student at Tompkins Cortland Community College this is my first semester as a college student. I plan to go to college for four years and only be at TC3 for this one semester, then transfer to a four year school. College has grown around the world more than ever and more people are attending college more than ever. I have chosen to go to college because of the rewards after graduation. Yes it is another four years of school but by getting more education and an extended degree gives me more opportunities for better jobs and more money. The career I have chosen to study is business administration. I am hoping that it takes me to a great job managing a company or possibly being an accountant.
There has been a large amount of attention paid to the subject of entrepreneurship in the last few years; mainly because most people have chosen to go from working for somebody else, to be their own bosses and work for their dreams. Nevertheless, many still wonder what is entrepreneurship and what is that sets entrepreneurs apart from other regular business owners. At first, it seems both concepts do not differ much from each other since they both start up and run businesses and assume risks to pursue opportunities; however, there are certain traits that difference them.
Entrepreneurship incorporates unconstrained imagination and a readiness to settle on choices without strong information. The entrepreneur may be driven by a need to make something new or assemble something unmistakable. As new ventures have low achievement rates, the business person should have impressive tirelessness. Because of this, the entrepreneur may have the best risk of achievement by concentrating on a business sector corner either too little or too new to have been commanded by built up organizations.
My ideal career would allow me to do something that interests me. I enjoy working with words and with numbers. I've also had success in the areas of technology and customer service.
An entrepreneur is someone with the capacity to lead a business to success and is willing to take the risks in order to accomplish their goals. (Dollonger, 2002). Starting a new business is an example of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are very important in order for any business to succeed, however, only some entrepreneurs will succeed in life. Here are some of the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs.
Business has been a large part of my family, and has started to grow on me. My dad worked in sales for many years, and is now the President of a company in Staples. My mom started her own cleaning business, and now works for herself, as well as my uncle owns a golf course, and a pump and well business. My other uncle has his own handy man business, while one of my aunts operates a redimix and construction company . So I guess it could be said, business is kind of in by blood.
In the United States, approximately one in eight adults are self-employed. In their minds exists a one common dream. This is the entrepreneurial dream of self-employment. It is the freedom to start, grow, and cash in a new business. Most of the extravagant millionaires of today build up their wealth in this way. An entrepreneur is someone who has the ability to build and develop his own business. In today's fast paced world of business, many people chose to work for themselves. A career as an entrepreneur is a risky, yet personally rewarding endeavor.
Tony Hsieh the CEO of Zappos once said “Chase the vision, not the money, the money will end up following you.” My dream job is to own my own business someday to become an entrepreneur. “Entrepreneur is someone who has a vision of something and a want to create” once said by David Karp, Tumblr founder and CEO. To take responsibility to be the person that is the leader of my team. To help my vision come to life and be successful at it, I will need to reach my goals and gain knowledge. My wiliness to help others find their goals in life and them to accomplish them.
1. WHY? Develop your "why". As an entrepreneur, not all times you have in business will be perfect. In fact, there will be many, many difficulties along the way. However, if you can develop your why, you can achieve success. Your why must be this personal, passionate, emotional drive that keeps you going, when the world tells you to give up. It is the reason you commit and work so hard. Pushing on when it seems all the odds and world is against you. Your "why" becomes your driving will to wake up and do it again tomorrow.
I am gratified to reflect on my Entrepreneurial Potential Self-Assessment. I have always enjoyed learning the concepts of running and managing a business. Personally, what I enjoy generally is implying these concepts in real life situations. Seeing the ‘real life’ effects are stimulating to me. I always saw myself running a stable/well- establish business; however, I never saw myself running my own business. For my part, I find that I do not have all the characteristics an entrepreneur should have. Therefore, the results are not surprising, but assuring of what my strengths and weaknesses are.