Career Goals For My Future Career Of An Entrepreneurship

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For my future career I want to be a business owner or in other words an entrepreneur, business has always fascinated me to this day some of the key point of a business owner are the duties of a business owner, the salary, the training and education, how does someone succeed in this career field and, what my goals are for this career field. An entrepreneur is individual who, instead of working for a business, runs their own business and takes all the risks and reward of a given business venue, idea, or good or service offered for sale. The entrepreneur is mainly seen as a business owner of ideas and business processes. The business owner has many important duties but the duties that are required daily like managing the employees because you …show more content…

The information that I’ve gained from this project is that I think I have what It takes to become a business owner I don’t know what kind of business I want to own yet, maybe a bunch of restaurants because I like to cook and I have a passion for food and to make people happy but I would also like to own a bowling center because I have experience working in the bowling industry for 6 years now and I’m learning more and more everyday I’m at work. The negative is that I need to take more risks I’m more of a go with the flow kind of guy and not much of a risk taker but according to my research high risk equal high reward with profit. My reaction to this is I’m very excited to get through college and learn all there is about business. My goals for achieving this career is first to finish college I think I’ll be at WTCC for at least two years and maybe a summer but ill finish out my business degree at North Carolina State University and during college I will finish my business plan just like my older brother I’m doing the same thing he is basically so I can get a business loan for said business. Also my family and close friends are always there to help me with any money situations or even to help out at the business if I need like a manager or just trusted employee I can count

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