Career Development Programs

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As an educator working both in the high school and middle school setting, one point should be made clear. It is never too early to start thinking about a career. Of course, this is preached by most educators on a daily basis, but for the high school student looking for a college, it is still hard to comprehend. What exactly is the criterion for a college or community college and which direction should the high school senior go? When choosing a college to attend, there are certain factors that the counselor should advise the student on. First, look for a college that has a program compatible to your interest. Second, check out the location of the college you are interested in looking at the community in which it is located in. Third, find out the size of the student population and if it is feasible to succeed in a large population verses small population. Next, research the type of school that you want to attend tax supported, church supported, or private supported as well as what activities are available to the student, the student body, and the campus facilities. The counselor should explain the different schools and make sure that the student knows about accreditation. Finally, the senior must know the admission process and the financial aid resources for the school of interest. According to Brown (2007), students wanting to attend college should conduct extensive planning and gain assistance from individuals that are knowledgeable about the admission planning. The majority of colleges and universities as well as community colleges require certain criterion for acceptance. Most schools require the senior to have a certain grade point average, certain high school courses on the high school transcript, take a colle... ... middle of paper ... ...n, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. Mangan, K. M. (2010). Community-college trustees: Greater expectations. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 56(32). Retrieved from http: // find. Miller, J.V. & Benjamin, L. (1975). New career development strategies methods and resources. Personal and Guidance Journal (53) 9, 694-699. O’Halloran, T.M., Fahr, A.V., & Keller, JR. (2002). Career counseling and the information highway: heeding the road signs. The Career Development Quarterly, 50(4), 371-376. Wall, J. E. (1998). We need a common language. Techniques 73(1). Retrieved from Professional Collection. Gale. Williams, M. R. & Southers, T. (Winter-Spring, 2010). Blurring the lines between high school and college: Early colleges and the effect on adult learners. Adult Learners 26(5), 210-212.

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