Introduction The term ‘cardiovascular disease’ (CVD) is inclusive of all conditions that affect the heart and blood vessels, including myocardial infractions, strokes and coronary heart disease. Currently, CVD is the leading cause of death globally and claims one Australian every 12 minutes (1). Several factors that increase the risk of developing CVD have been identified including age, diet, genetic background and lifestyle habits (2). It is currently estimated that over 90% of Australians have at least one risk factors and 25% have three or more (1). It is blatant that some risk factors cannot be controlled, such as ethnicity, genetics and age. However, a wide range of predisposing lifestyle habits and diet risk factors can be changed but …show more content…
Relative to population living in metropolitan regions, rural and remote people are in a lower socioeconomic bracket, have lower levels of education, lower employment rates and less access to affordable healthy food, sporting facilities and public transport (1, 2). Taken together, these elements result in a higher predisposition to poor cardiovascular health and in turn a higher rate of CVD and CVD-related mortality. In terms of healthcare and treatment, regional and remote areas have fewer healthcare infrastructures and higher costs of treatment (1). This results in rural patients visiting general practitioners 1-2 less times than metropolitan patients (1). An Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) study found that patients living in rural and remote Australia are prescribed substantially less cardiovascular medication including beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors …show more content…
It is difficult to address this issue as the majority of improvements in healthcare are allocated to heavily populated regions, which are predominately metropolitan. There are several programs and organizations in place that address the current status of poor cardiovascular health in rural regions. This includes the National Strategic Framework for Rural and Remote Health, which outlines several goals and initiatives to reach a collective vision to make rural and remote Australians as healthy as other Australians (4). Within this framework, a need for the utilization of e-Health to better health service infrastructure, health literacy and awareness of risk factors has been mentioned (4). This current needs assessment will highlight current stakeholders that are affected by poor cardiovascular health in rural and remote communities and will then provide an appropriate e-Health intervention that will strive towards achieving better cardiovascular healthcare in rural
The social determinants of health play an important role regarding the lifestyle and health status of populations, therefore influence on their health (Dahlgren & Whitehead, 1991). In this case, analysing South Australia there are clear indications that the residents from Playford are living in poor conditions which determine their poor health outcomes than the Adelaide Hills which people are placed in a better health
It was to this respect that, the search could detect ‘’hypertension’’ as the leading risk factor for heart disease. And this preceded three quarters of heart failures cases as compared to coronary artery disease, which led to most heart failures in less than 40% of the cases. Also, an increase in left ventricular end-diastolic diameter became a mirror to the Framingham study as incident heart diseases in the individuals who are free from myocardial infarction. Although studies have shown that, the manifestation of heart failures can be present without the left ventricular systolic dysfunction, other risk factors could lead to that. Also, they (Framingham study) were able to detect ‘’too much of cholesterol’’ as a link to cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, research believed that has elevated among certain heart diseases such as coronary heart often leads to stroke, too high blood pressure among numerous patients. Having said that, the search discovered ‘’obesity’’ also as a concomitantly with hypertension which elevates lipids and diabetes versus questions on smoking behavior. Having said that, these risk factors are believed to have attributed to heart diseases. Therefore, it became a national concern to the general US population and that of the fourth director of Framingham heart study, William Castelli
Australia is a vast land with a diverse environment and communities isolated by great distances. Its peoples have a diversity of culture, educational and economic circumstances, health needs, services, and social structure. Therefore the welfare issues experienced and the impact these have to lifestyle within Australia’s different populations would also differ in relation to these factors. This is certainly true for Rural Australia.
...nts of Health and the Prevention of Health Inequities. Retrieved 2014, from Australian Medical Association:
People living in rural areas are experiencing highly limited excess to health care facilities either because they are not aware of the disease symptoms as a result of low education level or because the treatment is not available for them. In addition, rural population tend to smoke and drink more than others which has an extremely negative impact on their health status demonstrated by higher mortality and morbidity rates than that of the population living in the major cities (Beard et al., 2009). the mortality rate in regional areas of Australia are 1.05-1.15 times, and in remote areas 1.2-1.2 times those in major cities (Phillips, 2009).
Moffatt, J. and Eley, D. (2010). The reported benefits of telehealth for rural Australians. Australian Health Review. 34. 276-281.
Quality healthcare in the more rural areas of the United States is not only getting more difficult to obtain, but difficult to afford. American citizens living in rural areas have the highest rates of chronic disease, higher poverty populations, less health insurance, and there is less access to primary care physicians. When the economy is at its lowest point it causes an increase in a number of access and health issues that have already had prior problems in communities and in rural areas, therefore the main goal of the national health care tax of 2010 was to allow coverage to all residents of the United States, and also by transferring necessary health care to places that were farther away, such as the rustic areas of the United States (HealthReform.Gov, 2012).
Since 1960 the age-adjusted mortality rates for cardiovascular disease (CVD) has declined steadily in the U.S. due to multiple factors, but still remains one of the primary causes of morbidity and premature mortality worldwide. Greater control of risk factors and improved treatments for cardiovascular disease has significantly contributed to this decline (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011). In the U.S. alone it claims approximately 830,000 each year and accounts for 1/6 of all deaths under the age of 65 (Weiss and Lonnquist, 2011). Based on the 2007 mortality rate data an average of 1 death every 37 seconds is due to cardiovascular disease (Lloyd-Jones et al., 2009). Controlling and reducing risk factors is crucial for saving lives. There are a number of contributing risk factors for cardiovascular disease, which may appear in the form of hereditary, behavioral, and psychological, all of which ultimately converge in social or cultural factors.
Genetics plays a major role in obesity; inherited genes sometimes contribute to the accumulation of fat in the body. Over 200 genes have effect on the weight having repercussions from physical activity, food choices and metabolism. Therefore, genes may increase the vulnerability of a person to become obese. Family eating patterns and social tendencies can also trigger obesity. Moreover, environmental circumstances such as availability of food high in calories and fat and the increase of the portions and combination selections in meals contribute to the development of fat accumulated for years in the body (Whitney & Rolfes, 2011, pg. 277).
Today, cardiovascular disease is “the number one killer in the United States and the developed world” (Sapolsky, 2004, p. 41). Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the most common form of cardiovascular disease, and is responsible for claiming an unreasonable amount of lives every year. CHD can begin to accumulate in young adults, but is prominently found in both men and women in their later adult lives. As a result of CHD, men typically experience heart attacks, whereas women present with chest pains, known as angina (Matthews, 2005).
One of the leading causes of death in the United States is heart disease. “Approximately every 29 seconds one American will have a heart attack, and once a minute one American will die from a heart attack” (Ford-Martin and Odle, 915). According to the Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine men over the age of 45 and women over the age of 55 are considered at risk for heart disease. Heart disease is a major cause of death. It is beneficial to individuals who seek to prevent heart disease to recognize the risks leading to heart attacks as they are one of the primary indications of developing heart disease; especially those that fall into the at risk age groups. These risks consist of some that cannot be changed such as heredity risks, or those that can change such as smoking habits. It is very important to know these specific risks for prevention and to understand the symptoms of heart attacks, such as sweating or the feeling of weakness so if these or other symptoms occur people are aware. Finally heart disease treatment is of vital importance if you experience a heart attack so you can learn how to prevent another one from occurring.
Turrell, G. et al. (2006) Health inequalities in Australia: morbidity, health behaviors, risk factors and health service use. Canberra: Queensland University of Technology and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2006. Retrieved on March 29th, 2011 from
Improving health is in the best interest of everyone, including non-health professionals. Health managers need to be constantly looking for ways to improve access to health care, the quality of the care, and cost containment. Often, the biggest barriers to accessing healthcare are cost and location. Lower income individuals just do not have the resources to have optimal healthcare, or cannot take the time away from employment to deal with health issues. One potential solution to help with these problems could be “telehealth.”
These eight areas with the highest admission rates were ranked in the top three of ten socioeconomic categories of disadvantage. In contrast, local government areas such as Kingborough, Hobart and West Tamar, had admission rates below 39 per 10,000 people. The results showed that there is a direct link between the hospital admission rates and the socio-economic disadvantage in some areas. Risk factors for heart diseases are more in Tasmanian population than in all over Australia e.g. cholesterol, high blood pressure,
There are many causes of obesity. Of course some obese teens cannot help the fact that they are overweight. Genetics and s...