
776 Words2 Pages

Capitalism is the term which is used for explaining the dominant economic system in Western World since the feudal system, so we can see this changing below, from the start of feudal system (11th century) to the modern day.

If we can mention about capitalism in anywhere, we must see the relation between capital owners and workers who sells their labor to employer with their free will.
We can observe this economic chancing from the graphic, after capitalism (feudal capitalism is not similar today's capitalism, but it is the very basic steps of it.) there is an upward trend starts in GDP and when we came to industrial revolution there is a peak.
After industrial revolution (early 1800s) a massive growth in production came up, this growth starts in United Kingdom and spreads all Western Europe and mankind survive the scarcity danger which is permenent since human history. Capitalism has everything which is require for spread all over the world. When we look all this datas we can understand how the capitalism come up our lives.

Capitalism needs lands, mines, industrial factories... all of them also known as “capital”, after industrial revolution capitalism find all of them and change whole world. It cause both wars and prosperity.
When we came 1960s human life quality increases rapidly people have cars, houses, jobs and shopping centers come into our lifes, people find every needs in shopping centers hereby people start shopping once a week or less, not every day because when they go to shopping center they can find eveything what they need and buy all things which necessary. Under these circumstances people start to live outside of the downtown and it is called “suburbia”


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...ry can be different from another. There is a reason people wants capital system and there is a huge differences and conflict between capitalized and uncapitalized countries.

Works Cited

Angus Maddisson, The World Economy: A Millennial Perspective, pg: 264
Effects Of This Phenomenon
*Car numbers graphic: Source: Carfree
*CO2 Emission graphic:
*Uncle Sam poster: Uncle Sam. [Photograph]. In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from:
*Civilian death graphic: Source:UN Assistance Mission to Iraq

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