Candy Man Comparison

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I am not the type of girl that gets startled easily but, you can’t help but to get chills when you watch the film Candy Man and read the novel The Forbidden. Both perspectives of this scary yet insightful figure is enough to keep you on your toes while following each story. The Candy Man and The Forbidden keeps you intrigued with its turns and twist to the story. I found it hard to follow the story line but, this worked to the writers benefit. The twist and turns forced me to pay attention to things I would have missed if everything was clear. One aspect of both stories that was clear was, the difference between the image of the Candy Man in the Candy Man and The Forbidden. The Candy Man in The Forbidden appeared more colorful and reminded me of a scary clown. Then, the Candy Man in the film appeared more dark and seductive. The physical differences between the characters added a different perspective to the story. In The Forbidden the Candy Man’s bright image wasn’t as intimidating as the character in the film The Candy Man. The Candy Man in The Forbidden reminds me more of the scary character “IT” but less scary. “IT’ was a clown is a scary movie that …show more content…

No matter how much he put her through, she kept fighting for her life. I was confused by this because, in my eyes her life was completely over. I did not see how she could ever live a functioning life after all of the things that she went through. I would have thought that this reality would have been a reason for her to give up and choose fiction. Fiction would have been the easy way out of the pain, loses, and suffering that she faces and would continue to face. Then I thought to myself that is what makes humans amazing. Being able to endure the challenges of life and keep going. Originally, I thought she was a fool to keep going then I realized that she was strong. If I was her I would have chosen my reality

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