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Recommended: Short note on candle making
The Evolution of Candles
For thousands of years, before modern electrical lighting systems were developed, candles existed not for decoration but for the sole purpose of providing artificial light in millions of homes.
Here’s a brief history of how the candle making industry flourished, declined and regained its prominence through the years.
• The Ancient Times
During the ancient civilisation, candles were made from tallow, or animal fat, extracted from cattle and sheep. The first candles were developed by the ancient Egyptians. These candles, known as rushlights or torches, had no wicks and burned slowly. The Romans were credited for the first creation of candles with wicks, the ones that resembled the candles that are used today.
Many other early civilisations developed wicked candles with the use of waxes extracted from various plants and insects. The Chinese made candles from moulded paper tubes, using a rolled rice paper for the wick and wax taken from seeds and indigenous insects. The Japanese also made candles from waxes derived from tree nuts, while the Indians made candle waxes by boiling the fruit of the cinnamon tree.
• The Middle Ages
The candle making process improved during the Middle Ages when beeswax were introduced as an alternative to tallow. The beeswax, unlike the animal-based tallow, burned without producing smoke. It also emitted a sweet pleasant smell compared to the foul odour released by burning tallow. Beeswax candles were popularly used for religious events and celebrations, but because they were expensive, only the clergy and the upper class could afford to burn them. From the Middle Ages to the 13th century, tallow candles remained the most common light source used all over Europe due to th...
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...les were replaced by fluorescent lights and light bulbs as major light sources, the candle making industry is still burning bright. Candles in varying colours, shapes and sizes are still manufactured and used in different manners like in religious ceremonies, birthday celebrations, aromatherapy, and home decorations.
The new millennium casts a different role for candles. Not only are candles used as light sources during power outage, but they also symbolise festivity, calm the senses, mark intimacy, and accent home decors.
Across the world and all over the World Wide Web, candles are more popular than ever, and they continue to grow in popularity as part of home decors and special gift ideas for both men and women. In fact, candles are among the top decorative choices for people who want to cast a warm and lively ambience and soothing aroma inside their homes.
Kerosene was an innovation that sparked more light into inventors eyes. After kerosene, innovations can be perfected not just in the day but now in night. Consequently, someone always thinks of more improved ideas. The light bulb was one of the greatest innovations during the Gilded Age; the everyday man can see in the dark. Normally, when the sun goes down, the men go down. This invention allowed people to carry on their "everyday lives" in the night. AC/DC electric lighting improved the light bulb even more so. Not just lighting one light bulb but lighting thousands. Carrying over to power houses; meaning a whole city or state can be
Colonial women did not have many materials; they either made what they needed or bought it from Europe. Due to lack of supplies and money, the colonists never wasted materials that could be used again. The colonist saved grease and wood ashes; grease became used for lighting and was also the basis of soap, ashes became used as the soap ingredient called lye (Tunis 43). Salt was limited in the colonies, therefore not much salt became wasted on hardening soap; as a result they made it soft. Due to the hazardous fire of melting iron, common colonial citizens did not have much iron in their homes. As a substitute for iron; door hinges, latches, barrels, and utensils were all made out of wood.
There are more than 400 commercial, religious and institutional manufacturers of candles in the United States, in addition to scores of small craft producers for local, non-commercial use.
You cannot use simple coloring pencils or lightweight paint, one method in its history is the art of stained glass. (History of Stained Glass (Stained Glass Association of ..., n.d.) talks about how stained glass gives an accurate feel of attitude for people who is passionate towards the art of stained glass. Stained glass speaks in volumes without sound in chapels to give off a holy yet delicate feeling. It’s been said that there were times of stained glass art that was imperfectly documented back in the 1900s, up to 60 stained glass businesses were listed before the time. None exist and some is known little about them (History of Stained Glass (Stained Glass Association of ..., n.d.). Even though some documents are lost in time, the history of stained glass still found its way in interior design. It’s all started with one simple mistake. (History of Stained Glass (Stained Glass Association of ..., n.d.) Many histories of the stained-glass method were told first through Pliny’s tale. It was an accidental discovery of glass by Phoenician sailors (History of Stained Glass (Stained Glass Association of ..., n.d.) . the legend clams that there was shipwrecked sailors who set their cooking pots on blocks of natron. (natron is a salt mineral you would find in dried up lakes). The sailors use this material from there cargo and stated up fire under it. The sailor slept and overnight the fire’s heat had melted the sand and soda mixture. When morning came the mass of resultant cooled and turned into glass. (History of Stained Glass (Stained Glass Association of ..., n.d.). Glass that was discovered and use goes back to even Egyptian periods where glassed beads between 2750 and 2625 B.C. Glass beads then was made off a winding string of molten glass around a clay core that was removable. Colors such as moss green, greenish white, or tobacco yellow gives off a bright sensation with
Christmas is almost here again, but have you ever thought how odd some of the holiday traditions are and how they became so popular? Buying a pine tree, setting it up in your house and then decorating it with festive lights and ornaments; hanging up stockings filled with candy over the fireplace; or how an old guy in a red-suit comes to your house the night before Christmas and leaves presents. This, too many Americans is normal, but why? Learning about these holiday traditions will get you into the Christmas spirit and show you what Christmas is truly about.
To create cotton candy they used a device (cotton candy machine) which heated liquid sugar in a spinning bowl that had small holes in it. It then formed the solid desired solid form cotton candy
The Verdimillious charm can also be used as a way to light up a room by making a circular motion above your head with your wand. Be careful not to aim at anything else but the air, because the sparks could target it like if you were using it for defense. If cast correctly,
It was not until Thomas Alva Edison’s time that the light bulb was put into more hands and used on a wider scale. Experimenting with thousands of different filaments, he was able to find just the right ingredients that would be long-lasting and at the same time, create a magnificent glow. Eventually in 1879, Edison discovered that a carbon filament, created by his friend Lewis Howard Latimer, in an oxygen-free bulb glowed and was far more efficient than previous designs; he later produced a bulb that could glow for over 1500 hours. As time progressed, improvements to the light bulb revolutionized the world.
With the ever-growing need for more efficient energy means, the time has come to act upon our sustainability ideals. In today’s society, it is almost impossible to by the old incandescent bulbs, however, there are other energy saving types that need comparison as well- and the incandescent still need to be considered. In this report, with the aid of diagrams and visual aids- the three main types of lighting will be compared and explained.
The lifespan of an LED bulb is defined by the amount of time the bulb lasts before it is only able to produce 70% of the light it could when first purchased [CITE]. So, it is entirely possible that even after twenty to forty years when an LED has reached this point, the average consumer would continue to use this bulb.
used firewood. I can recall putting wood in the heater and taking a poker to stir the
Short stake lights would work well along a path. A bench is easily illuminated by a pole-style lamp. An uplight is perfect to highlight a tall tree or shrub. Your deck steps would do well with lights inset into the treads. There are literally dozens of options available, so you can find the perfect light for each situation.
Light bulb is one of the most influential inventions in the word. It makes us work more productive at night and helps us enjoy more activities at night. It significantly change people lives all over the world. The born of light bulb also helped us by making more inventions that related to light, such as phones, televisions, and computes. By using light bulb, we actually reduced the probability of having fire accidents because if we don’t have light bulb, we will use candles instead which can cause fire easily. There are a lot more benefits we get from light bulb, and all of these are credited to Thomas Alva Edison.
They can be used in the home, office, as cabinet lighting and even as kitchen lighting. Recessed downlight LED options are great for bathrooms and hallways. A-line LED bulbs—a modern version of the classic incandescent light bulbs, fit in table or reading lamps and ceiling fixtures. Additionally, they aren’t sensitive to the extreme cold temperatures, strong winds or humidity and have multiple color variations for every occasion. Finally, they are much safer to use and maintain as they produce a lot less heat compared to other lights. LED lights also have proven to be very durable and unlikely to