Can You Call A Child A Psychopath Argument Outline

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Can you Call a Child a Psychopath Argument Outline of 2017 Thesis When children enjoy seeing others in pain, have no fear of punishment and authority and are manipulative this can cause poor behaviors. Abnormal behavior in children can indicate disorders later on in life. First major point Enjoy seeing others in pain. First supporting point When children like to harm animals this shows no empathy. First specific detail “One boy who used a knife to cut off the tail of the family cat bit by bit, over a period of weeks. The boy was proud of the serial amputations, which his parents initially failed to notice.” Second specific detail “Jeffrey Bailey pushed a toddler into the deep end of a motel swimming pool in Florida. …show more content…

They lack humanity. They don't care how others are feeling. They feel good when others are down. First specific detail “They don’t care if they hurt someone’s feelings.” Like adult psychopaths, they can seem to lack humanity.” Second specific detail “If they can get what they want without being cruel, that’s often easier,” Frick observes. “But at the end of the day, they’ll do whatever works best.” Second major point Have no fear of punishment and authority. First supporting point They have trouble responding to threats and feeling them. First specific detail "We think that low heart rate reflects a lack of fear, and a lack of fear could predispose someone to committing fearless criminal-violence acts" Second specific detail “Their brains ignore cues about danger or punishment.” Second supporting point These child psychopaths don't fear getting in trouble unlike others. They have trouble responding and feeling threats. First specific detail ‘They don't care the end result as long as they get pleasure.” Second specific detail "There are all these decisions we make based on threat, or the fear that something bad can happen, Third major point Children that are manipulative. First supporting

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