Campus Default: Alcohol Abuse On College Campus

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Campus Default: Excessive Drinking The topic I have selected is alcohol abuse on college campus and how it differs at Saint Martins, which is a dry campus. Throughout my investigative report I will focus on WSU and a little bit of UW, as my non-dry schools and only Saint Martins University as my dry college campus. This wide range of schools in Washington will assist me in proving that having a dry campus is beneficial for schools. Throughout the years there have been many incidents that schools such as WSU, UW show up in the newspaper or the rumors are spread about alcohol abuse on their campuses. Inlander reported a story about a students falling off a balcony in December of 2015. The student had a broken arm and some internal injuries. …show more content…

They are intensifying their alcohol and drug policies this year. They have put together a task force made up of faculty, staff, students and community members to target high risk drinking. Several of the changes that are happening are 1. Adding more alcohol-free floors to residence halls. 2. Notifying parents the first time a student under 21 violates WSU’s rules against underage drinking. 3. Requiring alcohol screening for at-risk students and providing intervention if necessary. 4. Teaching students how to recognize signs of alcohol poisoning and how to intervene. 5. And asking the faculty senate to approve an increase in the cumber of classes offered on Friday mornings. These are all wonderful ideas for helping to stop the binge drinking, nonetheless there still will be underage drinking on the …show more content…

Since we are a dry campus numerous student who are 21 go off campus to drink. And the students who are not normally don’t drink on campus either. We have rules in place that help prevent drinking on campus, such as RA’s and security, yes our campus is reduced and easier to maintain, then again that doesn’t mean the urge to drink isn’t there. We are in college and college students enjoy drinking. Although I believe having a dry campus makes for better students. And that is shown at Saint Martin’s University. We have less fatalities on campus, if we ever do, compared to WSU or other large University we have fewer reports of hospital visits, the list goes on when it comes to drug and alcohol abuse. One may argue that it’s because we are such a small school that we don’t drink or party. But students at saint martins do. We have had issues in the past of students being kicked off or suspended from sports teams for being caught on campus drinking. Although at WSU they acquire a letter home to mom and dad and a “slap” on the wrist. The punishment at WSU isn’t enough to make students change their ways. Don’t get me wrong I completely understand that WUS is bigger and harder to manage, but I believe that is because they have never had core values and there is no one there to change the way WSU is viewed. It will always be

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