Camilo Di Cavour and The Italian Unification

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The Italian unification was brought by Camilo Di Cavour who was named the prime minister by Sardinia’s king Victor Emmanuel. Cavour was a man who worked hard and tirelessly to help expand Sardinia’s power. Cavour’s skillful diplomacy and excellent chose of alliance and set about gaining northern Italy for Sardinia. Cavour realized after a while that the road block was Austria. So in 1858 napoleon 3 agreed to help drive out Austria from Northern Italy. Cavour provoked a war against the Austrians and french and Italy went to war and won two consecutive wars in row.
Whereas Camilo Di Cavour directed Italian unification, a Junker named Otto Von Bismarck pushed German unification through blood and iron and skillful understanding. As the map of central europe stoods in 1850, Prussia competed with Austria for dominances over a series of small principalities fiercly keen on maintaining their independences and distinctives characteristics. Prussia propers stretched from modern day Lithuania to central Germany. Prussia also controls the German lands around the Rhine rivers in the west. In between, from Denmark to Switzerland, lay small provinces that Bismarck needs to incorporate under the Prussian crown to create a viable German Empire.
The movement to unite Italy into ones cultural and political entity was known as the Risorgimento. Giuseppe Mazzini and his leading pupils, Giuseppe Garibaldi, failed in their attempts to create an Italy united by democracy. Garibaldi, supported by his legions of Red Shirts mostly young Italian democrats who used the 1848 revolutions as a opportunity for democratics uprising failed in the face of the resurgence of conserv...

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... ambassador, implying that the ambassadors had insulted the Prussian king. After he leakes this letter to both populations, the peoples of France and Prussia, rouses by nationalists sentiment, rose up in favors of war. As Bismarck hopes, the southern provinces rallied to Prussia's sides without any hesitation. In July 1870, France declares war on Prussia. Within a matter of weeks of fighting in Alsace-Lorraine, France lost this Franco-Prussian War.
In the unification for Germany and Italy, they both had great rulers as well as strong armies. If you have noticed that both countries had a north and a south fight together and there both leaders controlled the north and then controlled the south for protection. Thesis countries both fought Austria. There leaders that controlled the north are the ones who brought unification to there countries.

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