Agency Assignment A. Overview of the agency; purpose/mission The mission of Camillus House is to provide Christian hospitality and respect for life through direct services of food, clothing, shelter, addiction counseling, behavioral health and job training, and health care to the poor and homeless of South Florida. Camillus House is a non-profit agency that provides humanitarian services. Camillus Health is a private, non-profit organization that provides comprehensive health care, behavioral health and social services. NASW. (2001, June 23). Retrieved from B. Population being served The population being served at the Camillus House and Health organization are poor, homeless men, women and …show more content…
Services provided to clients Services provided at Camillus House including direct care for homeless individuals such as overnight shelter, showers, clothing, clothing exchange, mail services, telephone usage, public restrooms, and basic referrals. Camillus House also offers various programs which include, job training, treatment for substance abuse and mental health, emergency, transitional, and permanent housing for individuals and families, and health care for the homeless, insured and uninsured. D. Explain your role in the agency As an intern at Camillus House I advocate for clients’ access to the social services in surrounding area while working alongside other social worker. I help clients’ fill out paper work for immigration, food stamps, Medicaid and Medicare, but not limited to co-case manages client’s caseload, and meet with assigned guests on a regular basis to address their goals and needs. Assist with resume writing, job seeking skills, interviewing skills, apartment search, assist guests in addressing life barriers, and taking steps towards self-sufficiency. A. Cultural Diversity/Competency …show more content…
Identify how clients at the agency may be oppressed, marginalized, or alienated in our society and how this impacts the clients at your agency: Marginalized populations of Camillus House are the unemployed, uninsured, mental health, homeless, undocumented, jail diversion personnel and human traffic individuals. The impact that currently affecting the Day center at the Camillus House is the lack of affordable housing, which is creating a hardship for low-income households. Most of the homeless population that come there is made up of families who work, but do not earn enough to pay for their rent or individuals with income lower than $800.00 per month. The most oppressed of this group is the undocumented individual who has no money or family who can help support him or her to get on their feet. It is hard to obtain social service benefits for undocumented immigrants. They are unable to afford health insurance and have not qualified for Medicaid or Medicare no other facility will attend to them. They are turned away most medical facilities and sent to Camillus Health due to his lack of income and
Popple, P. R, & L. Leighninger. (2011). Social Work, Social Welfare, and American Society. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
The National Coalition for the Homeless (2006) is the most effective strategy as it seeks to address the problem of homelessness through various means, including volunteer work, advocacy efforts, and contributions. Firstly, the strategy requires people to volunteer their time to work directly with the victims of homelessness in the city to help them meet their immediate needs. People can volunteer their time to work with children in various programs, share hobbies, and help build houses and shelters among others (Miller, Hess, & Orthmann, 2011). This is extremely important and can help victims of homelessness to acquire some of the basic needs they lack.
Douglass, R., Torres, R., Surfus, P., Krinke, B., & Dale, L. (1999). Health Care Needs and Services Utilization Among Sheltered and Unsheltered Michigan Homeless. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Undeserved, 5-18.
Homelessness is one of the biggest issues society (Unites States) faces today. Homelessness is caused by lack of affordable housing, economic situations and decline in federal funding for low income families and the mentally ill. A homeless person is defined as an individual who lacks housing (without regard to whether the individual is a member of a family) including an individual whose primary residence during the night is a supervised public or private (shelters) facility that provides temporary living accommodations and an individual who is a resident in transitional housing. This definition of housing is used by the U.S Department of Healt...
Popple , P. R., & Leighninger, L. (2011). Social work, social welfare, and american society. (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Tunstall, L. (2009). Homelessness: an overview. EBSCO Publishing Service Selection Page. Retrieved February 5, 2011, from
Homelessness is a problem that happens in many different countries around the world. Definitions of homelessness are defined in different meanings by different people. However, the Stewart B. McKinney Act defines a homeless person as “ one who lacks a fixed permanent nighttime residence or whose nighttime residence is a temporary shelter, welfare hotel, or any public or private place not designed as sleeping accommodations for human beings” (McNamara 1025). It is impossible to find out exactly the number of homeless; however, the researchers can do a study to estimate that number. Based on different statistics from different researchers, the homeless population in America has been increasing as “an alarming rate” (Markos and Lima). Therefore, even though America is one of the most powerful countries in the world, homelessness, which has many common causes, has always been a big problem in society.
In fiscal year 2006, the HUD, Department of Housing and Urban Development, was presented a budget by the Bush Administration consisting of $528.5 billion for homeless programs (Romeo 1). The problem of homelessness and extreme poverty is not a new occurrence; but in past years more extreme measures have been taken to combat the issue as more people become homeless. Expensive social programs and housing developments for the homeless have been created to help battle the increasing issue. Homelessness is an expensive problem that will never end; furthermore, the condition of homeless people in America is affected by the type of education they receive, the state of the economy, and the amount of funds that are available to house and feed them.
Being given the opportunity to intern with the staff at the Family Resource Center in the Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) has been a tremendous learning experience thus far. The opportunity has truly surpassed my expectation of what I imagined the journey of internship would be like and how it would help me to evolve into the professional arena as a social worker. I see myself transforming and viewing the community in which I live, the clients served, those deprived, and the tremendous job that we as social workers are tasked with to advocate for those in need from a more open-minded perspective. By enhancing and developing my personal and professional skills, such as active listening, observation, and professional comportment, I will be
I visited the House of Compassion which is facility in Marshalltown, IA. House of Compassion is a non-profit organization that opened twenty years ago. They are a place of hospitality for those that our hungry, homeless, or in need of medical assistance. The services they have include a supply closet, soup kitchen, emergency shelter, and a Medical Assistance Program. The supply closet enables them to supply personal hygiene products for families in need, diapers is a common need that is often forgotten by the public. The soup kitchen provides food for those that our hungry, and recently the House of Compassion as started a Garden of Compassion which they use to grow food to continue to feed and inform those that our in need. The Emergency Shelter is available for those that have no where to go. They have many beds for people to sleep in, and they are encouraged and supported while they are staying there. This is a common place for people to come in transition, in refuge, and most that come of a sense of hopelessness. Reversing this hopelessness is what the House of Compassion is hoping to do. They want to provide basic needs and help people back on their feet and experience again the hope that we have in Christ.
Homelessness is increasing more every year. In fact, according to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, over 640,000 people experience homelessness every night. (Hunger and Homelessness in North America) By definition, the homeless are groups of people that do not have a home. They can be people who are mentally ill, unemployed, veterans, or even children born into unfortunate families. Since they have nowhere to go, the homeless usually live inside abandoned buildings, in the streets, or in makeshift homes, such as a cardboard box or homemade tent. Although some work to find a decent home, many still suffer from depression or are psychically disabled and cannot work. (Overview of Homelessness in America) These people do not choose to be homeless, instead they become homeless due to a series of unfortunate events; namely losing their source of income or becoming homeless by birth. One instance of this occurred in the life of Hazel Washington. Hazel was fleeing an abusive relationship when she moved in with her relative and his girlfriend, but she was not told about their impending eviction. Because of this, her roommates took everything she owned an...
A) As a Social Work student, I can fulfill the first goal of the Social Work program through a variety of means. The first goal of the Social Work program relates to the program preparing competent professionals in the field of Social Work (2016, p.1). I believe that by being politically active, on a micro mezzo and macro scale, I will be able to promote a greater sense of social justice in our society. It is important to follow legislation both locally and on a larger scale so that we can better assist the people in our society. Another way that I can fulfill the first goal of the program is by advocating endlessly for those clients who we serve. It is essential to speak out for those who might not be able to do so on their own. By advocating for those individuals, I feel as if I would fulfill the part of this goal that speaks to the promotion human rights (2016, p.1).
The first step to accessing a HF program, an individual experiencing homelessness would be assessed. Across the country, a systematic system named the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is used to track individuals or families experiencing homelessness. In many places, locations have been set up and defined for individuals to go and be entered into the system, as well as, get assessed for the appropriate level of intervention. Unfortunately, waiting lists are created due to the lack of affordable housing available in the many areas where the chronically homeless
Fitzpatrick, Joanne. “ONI Opening Doors Project—Improving Health for Homeless People and Families.” Community Practitioner 85.2 (2012): 19+. Academic OneFile. Web. 17 Oct. 2013.
Many believe that a common thread among the homeless is a lack of permanent and stable housing. But beyond that, the factors leading to homelessness and the services that are needed are unique according to the individual. To put them into one general category ? the homeless- suggests that people are homeless for similar reasons and therefore a single solution is the answer. Every homeless person shares the basic needs of affordable housing, adequate incomes and attainable healthcare. But a wide range of other unmet needs cause some people to become or remain homeless which include drug treatment, employment training, transportation, childcare and mental health services (Center 8.)