Caesar's Gallic War Research Paper

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Did you know that Caesar's Gallic War only has 9-10 good manuscripts written 900 years after his time? Did you know that the History of Thucydides and the History of Herodotus have only eight manuscripts each, and were originally written in 460-400 BC. When dated, those eight manuscripts were found to be from AD 900. That’s 1, 300 years after the authors’ times! These documents’ historical accuracy are not questioned at all. However, this essay is about a different book, one that has been criticized from the beginning and is still criticized today though many facts prove its true worth. The Bible has around 6,000 Greek New Testament complete or fragmented manuscripts, not to mention the Latin ones and the ones from other languages. The oldest one …show more content…

That is only 30 years after the apostle’s death! The Bible is a historically accurate book because biblical prophecies have been proven true from the Bible and other sources, there are many archaeological finds of ancient civilizations, peoples and events mentioned in the Bible, and the texts have not changed over time. According to Dr Stefan Drüeke, the co curator of the Bibel Museum Wuppertal, Germany, there have been more than 300 Bible prophecies proven to be correct. These prophecies were written about events up to 1000 years in the future from the time they were written. There are three prophecies that will be mentioned in this essay as evidence to this point. The first prophecy… rather group of prophecies are the messianic prophecies of the Old Testament. These are any prophecies related to the messiah (Hebrew word)/ Christ (Greek word) whom we now know to be (according to the Bible) Jesus Christ. There are many specific prophecies about Him; where he was to be born/his family (for example Genesis 49:10), and how his death would be (for instance Isaiah 53). Though there are only two messianic prophecies mentioned in this article, there are at least 31 fulfilled

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