Cabeza De Vaca Sparknotes

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Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca was the first European to cross the North American continent. This book is his odyssey, first written in 1542 as an official report to the king of Spain under the title La Relación. This book was published by Hispaniola Books on October 23rd, 2016. Cabeza de Vaca and the men landed in Florida on April 14th 1528. Upon their arrival, Governor Pámfilo de Narváez who was in charge of the expedition raised flags on Florida's coast and claimed the country in the Majesty's name. This is where Cabeza de Vaca's story begins. He was very vivid with the description of the men who experienced and witnessed the trip of the Interior of America. It almost felt like you were tagging along with them. Was it fate that brought them …show more content…

Over the next few months time only goes slower and things get tougher. More survivors die off, and others are put into slavery, including Cabeza de Vaca. He is enslaved for several years and is now one of only four survivors. Eventually he becomes a merchant for the natives, and while doing so, De Vaca was granted freedom. He also becomes a healer of faith, and actually gathers a large following consisting of both Natives and Spanish. Considering the time, it may also have been more or less expected that many men would die. I’m sure the men knew there wasn’t a 100%, or even 80% survival rate for these kinds of expeditions. In life, everyone is put in situations where they really have no choice but to just roll with the flow and accept what is going on. De Vaca did not really have a choice on deciding on going. He was captured and used as a guide to governor Pámfilo de …show more content…

That’s the stereotype of the natives, but they are in fact very kind and offer him and his men fish and roots to eat. He develops a lot of empathy for the natives and their plight at the hands of the Spanish, because of the many years he spent in slavery. Towards the end of his journey Cabeza de Vaca could possibly relate to the Native Americans more and better than his own people. There is no way he views them as savages at this point. By now he views them as a distinctive and unique culture. The way of Native American life was much more different than the rest of peoples lives. They always got the short hand in life but they did not have much of a choice other than to just live life. Thankfully Cabeza de Vaca came to realize that the Native Americans were real people with real feelings just as much as the Spanish were. Cabeza de Vaca must have felt some guilt for how they have been mistreating the Spanish. It’s easier to feel justified for killing and enslaving a culture if you believe they are savages, and inferior to your culture. It is not okay to kill someone who is no harm to

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