By The Waters Of Babylon John Character Analysis

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John is the main character and the protagonist of the story. He becomes a priest in training under his father. He tells his father about his vision that he sees in the smoke of the fire. After that he sends his son on the journey of discovery required as the final initiation into the priesthood. The story, By the Waters of Babylon, revolves around John and his journey around to New York, a place that’s considered God’s land. As John is the first of his people to go east, across the great river, enter the Dead Places, or touch metal not purified by priests tells the readers that he is venturesome because of his curiosity, determination and bravery which makes him a developing character. Seeing and learning that the Gods, he worshipped were actually human and that New York made him even more curious as he was before. As the story continues, he would have new ideas of how he would want to change societies and approach situations in different ways. He longs for the knowledge they possessed and is sure of his ability to use that knowledge more wisely than they. As a new priest he will help his people make a new beginning, recapturing lost knowledge from the broken city in order to build again. …show more content…

The title, By the Waters of the Babylon, converted into that John had lived in a city like Babylon and it was a domain that depended on the water or river for its survival. As he arrived to New York, he noticed unknown materials, which he had no clue on how to use or what they can do. He would later find out that the Gods he worshipped were actually humans. In conclusion, the story had reached its climax, where we would hear his plans to try rebuilding the lost

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