Bushed By Earle Birney

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The relationship between nature and man has been one of give and take. Nature gives beauty but takes lives of mankind. Man takes nature for granted and does not realize. In the poetry of Earle Birney, nature is portrayed as darkness hidden within its beauty.
The adventure that occurred in “David” had a dark and deadly side with many signs throughout. There were subtle signs of death that they should have clued in before they decided to climb the mountain. They found the skeleton of a mountain goat that had attempted to climb but failed, this shows that it is dangerous and challenging. There was a foreshadow that was made of the death of David and the bird. When they found the bird Bob wanted to bring it back to life but David said you cannot fix something that’s broke and if you cannot live like you want to why live at all. In “Bushed” having a vision but then nature throwing a curveball that can change mankind. He thought that he was living life in paradise and was in control. He soon found out that nature shattered his paradise and was powerful and in control. Nature had sent signals of death with the Valkyries which represents death is near. Another sign of death was the winds were sharpening the mountaintops into arrowheads that he believed were aimed at him. Nature can change mankind and make them …show more content…

Seeing a good friend sick and close to death may make one start thinking about there own death. He sees his friends face with a sign of fierceness, something dark about it and representing a grizzly bear. As he sat with the radio to his ear he listened to the news about the war, the war has changed mankind to be worse people and have changed the idea of everyone being equal. Humans need to start living up to their name mankind or else they will resemble grizzly bears and go to the dark side. Don’t take life for granted always live one day at a time to the of ones

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