Budgeting with the Porfolio Theory

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Portfolio Theory is a way of budgeting that entails organizing budget activities into portfolios and comparing portfolios with each other in order to maximize utility. By creating portfolios, budget activities are not simply evaluated on their own merits, but also by how they interact with each other. A weighted average of expected returns provides the overall return of the portfolio, while examining the covariance of the activities in the portfolio shows the overall variance or risk that the portfolio has. By understanding the constraints and following particular rules, you can arrive at the best possible portfolio which will determine the best possible budget (Khan, 2002).
Portfolio Theory is not only used for budgeting, but is also used in investment strategies. Financial advisors create portfolios optimized to provide a certain rate of return at a certain level of risk. These portfolios can be comprised of a variety of financial instruments, like stocks, bonds, or mutual funds. In essence, the theory allows a client to build something to their specifications depending on how ag...

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