Bubonic Plague Research Paper

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The Bubonic plague, scientifically named “Yersinia pestis”, widely known as “Black Death”, was an infectious disease, which, during 1347-1352, wiped out about a third of the world’s population, roughly 25 million people. A similarly deadly disease, Smallpox, scientifically named “Variola”, was a virus that caused about 300 million deaths in the 20th century. Both were massively destructive plagues that wreaked havoc wherever they were found. Smallpox was spread by contact with the infected person or clothing that has the virus on it. It is also airborne, which makes Smallpox deadlier.

Smallpox originated in Africa, the Bubonic Plague in China. The last known new case of Smallpox occurred in 1949, whereas the last case of the Bubonic plague

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