Brothels In The Netherlands Case Study

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This study will define the continued decriminalization and regulation of the sex trade in Canada and in the Netherlands. The Netherlands has historically had a progressive policy in the non-criminalization of the sex trade workers, but recently, the official regulation of laws protecting worker’s rights in the sex trade has been established. In a similar way, Canada also possessed a non-criminalized history of prostitution, which has become increasingly progressive in regulating labor rights in this commercial sector. The process of commercial recognition of the rights of sex trade workers defines why the Netherlands provides a more stable and regulated sex trade. However, the increased levels of youth prostitution in the Netherlands …show more content…

The laws related to prostitution have not been enforced throughout much of the 20th century, which shows the commercial legacy of the sex trade. The regulation of brothels in the Netherlands is one aspect of legal changes that have been made in the past 15 years, which has provided a safer environment for prostitutes:
In 2000, the Netherlands lifted the general ban on brothels by repealing prohibitions against brothels in the Dutch criminal code. This legislation has not been enforced in fifty years; an official repeal now allowed the formal transfer of the control of regulation of brothels to the municipal governments (Brock …show more content…

This is a example of the decriminalization process in the business of prostitution is found in the Netherlands, which did not enforce laws against brothels and prostitution, but have recently made efforts to officially regulate the trade (Bruckert 175). These are recent steps taken by the government to set a new standard of open legalization of prostitution as a business. This also devolves the premise that women are not voluntarily working in brothels, which have typically been part of a black market mentality in forcing sex work onto women. Barry (1996) defines the women’s right to voluntary labor within the context of laws made in the Netherlands that regulated the sex trade (55). Certainly, this defines the recent legislation of sex worker’s rights in the commercial aspects of prostitution, which has only been an extension of an already decriminalized sex

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