Britney's Breakdown

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Throughout our lifetime will have troubling times, that just how life works. During these troubling times we tend to go a bit too far and do far from normal things. Some people do eventually get through their trouble times of our lives and become someone better. Everyone is capable of overcoming struggles both big and small. Like they say “you need to have bad days to know the good ones”. Sometimes people enjoy seeing other people go through the breakdowns and the entertainment from it. Britney Spears breakdown in 2007 was one that everyone, everywhere knows about. She went through a huge breakdown that was in the spotlight and everyone was able to criticize her and hate her. This can many times even lead someone farther into their breakdown, but sometimes you just have to ignore it, deal with it and get passed it. Britney is eventually taken to many rehab centers, get help and becomes stable. So, go ahead …show more content…

As a, kid I was bullied in and outside of school, which wasn't very fun. People used to call me very unpleasant names, made fun of my native language, where I was from and just out of no reason bully me. The bully went on for about two years, but I always remember my mother saying to ignore what people had to say because if you did pay attention to what they said, you were giving them exactly what they wanted. All the things people use to say to me would affect me and how I felt about the place I lived. This leads me to not want to go to school or even leave my room. With the help of my parents, motivation and positive thinking I was able to ignore the people that bullied me. Eventually the people that bullied me saw that their words no longer had any affected on me, so they stopped bullying me. This just comes to show that with positive thinking can help overcome bad days to get to the good

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