British Airways PLC British Airways

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British Airways PLC British Airways

British Airway’s PLC is the largest international airline in the

world. It is based at Heathrow airport in London, the busiest

international airport in the world, and has a global flight net-work

through such partners as USAir in the United States, Qantas in

Australia, and TAT European airlines in France. Via its own

operational and those of its alliance partners, British Airways serves

95 million passengers a year, using 441 airports in 86 countries and

more than 1,000 planes. The principal activities of British Airways is

the operation of international and domestic scheduled and charter air

services for the carriage of passengers, freight and mail and the

provision of ancillary services. The term British Airways was formed

by the merger of it two predecessors namely-------

(1) (BOAC)-----British Overseas Airways Corporation

(2) (BEA)-----British European Airways

These two operated as separate airlines previously, the new tattle

“British Airways” commended in April 1974.

The structure of BA consists of the many divisions under which British

Airways operate. Its structure continues to under CO necessary

changes, which BA regards as the way forward. Some of its structural

changes go on to include operating in partnership with Subsidiaries,

Franchisees, and Allied Airlines. These several components come

together with British Airways to provide a more effective and smoother

working of passenger services. Among these operating divisions, BA

remains the major shareholder. However, in cases where BA has a

minority share holding, these aircraft operate under the colours of

their parent airline. This sharing agreement though successful, could

sometimes make it difficult to recognise, who the true operator of a

particular aircraft is.

BA airways are a vast organisation, running fleets of aircrafts to

Varying destinations. This calls for great formalisation of procedure;

and CO-operation with subsidiaries, partners, and other bodies which

form its structure. This section; British Airways structure has to do

with leadership of this enormous concern. There are three Directors;

seven executive directors; there is the leadership team which has to

do with British Airways, marketing; flight operations; investments;

and passenger safety, and interest. The leadership team are also


... middle of paper ... and which are now having a significant

impact on the airline and its fleet plants. These plans and strategies

are also being shaped by the removal of barriers to world trade though

deregulation, and increasing access to new markets. These factors have

brought about the strategies which are now shaping British Airways for

the rears ahead. Firstly, a major cost saving Business Efficiency

Programme has been underway for some time, which has enabled the

airline to remain to profitable by delivering savings that are

targeted to reach £1bn per year by 2001. Secondly, product

improvements have included the World Traveller re-launch in 1998

followed by a Club World upgrade including fully flat beds, and

improvements to first class and Concorde, plus an on-going drive to

improve the basic service standards which passengers expect, such as

good punctuality and baggage delivery performance. The airline is also

concentrating on attracting more high-yielding premium-fare passengers

and operating the routes which maximise profitability. Other

significant strategies include a major revision of the airline’s fleet

plans and further development of its partnerships and alliances.

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