During this experiment Brine Shrimp were placed in four bowls. These four bowls contained 2 cups of either water, vinegar or a water and vinegar solution with 50 shrimp in each. Over a course of 3 hours all of the shrimp in the vinegar mixtures died. Beginning this experiment, the control group, placed in two cups of water moved around the bowl actively. This differentiated from the groups placed in vinegar solutions. These shrimp were placed in one of three bowls. In group 2 the tank consisted of one and a half cups water and a half cup vinegar. The third bowl contained one cup water and one cup vinegar. Lastly, the fourth bowl included two cups of vinegar. The shrimp in the control group were the most active. The shrimp in these bowls moved
The Artemia franciscana can survive in extreme conditions of salinity, water depth, and temperature (Biology 108 laboratory manual, 2010), but do A. franciscana prefer these conditions or do they simply cope with their surroundings? This experiment explored the extent of the A. franciscanas preference towards three major stimuli: light, temperature, and acidity. A. franciscana are able to endure extreme temperature ranges from 6 ̊ C to 40 ̊ C, however since their optimal temperature for breeding is about room temperature it can be inferred that the A. franciscana will prefer this over other temperatures (Al Dhaheri and Drew, 2003). This is much the same in regards to acidity as Artemia franciscana, in general thrive in saline lakes, can survive pH ranges between 7 and 10 with 8 being ideal for cysts(eggs) to hatch (Al Dhaheri and Drew, 2003). Based on this fact alone the tested A. franciscana should show preference to higher pH levels. In nature A. franciscana feed by scraping food, such as algae, of rocks and can be classified as a bottom feeder; with this said, A. franciscana are usually located in shallow waters. In respect to the preference of light intensity, A. franciscana can be hypothesized to respond to light erratically (Fox, 2001; Al Dhaheri and Drew, 2003). Using these predictions, and the results of the experimentation on the A. franciscana and stimuli, we will be able to determine their preference towards light, temperature, and pH.
Millions of people come from across the world to visit Seaworld every day without thinking about the lives of the animals behind the scenes. Why would they have concerns? From Seaworld’s commercials to the website, they convince the general public that Seaworld is the place to go to see the happy sea animals perform. If Seaworld is such an ecstatic place, what excuse does Tilikum, their greatest well known orca whale, have for the three attacks on trainers? The documentary “Blackfish” was created by the director Gabriela Cowperthwaite because she questioned herself after realizing Tilikum's odd behavior over time in captivity, and if there was any indisputable parts to animal captivity?
To begin the lab, the variable treatment was prepared as the Loggerlite probe, used to later measure oxygen consumption, warmed up for approximately 10 minutes. To prepare the variable treatment, 200ml of Sodium and Ammo-lock water was measured in a container and a pre-prepared “tea bag” of tobacco was steeped in the room temperature treated water until a light yellow color was visible. After preparing the tobacco solution the preparation for the live goldfish began as two beakers were filled with 100 ml of treated water. Each beaker was weighed before addi...
The procedures for this experiment are those that are referred to in Duncan and Townsend, 1996 p9-7. In our experiment however, each student group chose a temperature of either 5 C, 10 C, 15 C, or 20 C. Each group selected a crayfish, and placed it in an erlenmeyer flask filled with distilled water. The flask’s O2 levels had already been measured. the flask was then placed in a water bath of the selected temperature for thirty minutes, and then the O2 levels were measured again.
The purpose of this lab was to study the response of the genus Daphnia to chemical stimuli and to examine human responses to different stimuli. A stimulus is an incentive; it is the cause of a physical response. Stimuli can have a physical or chemical change; an example of a physical change is a change in temperature and sound. An example of chemical change would be changes in hormone levels and pH levels. Muscular activity or glandular secretions are responses that occurs when stimulus information effects the nervous and/or hormone system. Daphnia is a genus; it is a small crustacean that lives in fresh water. The body of the daphnia is visible and its internal organs are clearly seen thus it was chosen for this exercise. The
Shrimp can be very intelligent animals and have very amazing things such as being clear, this may seem weird but yes, they are clear. Shrimp live in the ocean and come in contact with many different plants animals. The most common plant that the shrimp comes in contact the most with and use for protection is seaweed, coral, and algae. Shrimp use the for protection to hide from the other animals they depend on shrimp for their diet, most of these animals are sharks, whales and sometimes crabs are included. The change of having no eyes helps the shrimp hide from these and keeps the population at a good rate and this has also helped overfishing with not having contact with other animals and causing lots of movement to the other animals and fisherman.
There were approximately 8x the amount of pillbugs on the water side compared on the vinegar side. Many sources of error could have occurred during the experiment, however. One possible source of error was that about half of the pillbugs were actually sowbugs, an isopod crustacean that has extremely close relations with the the pillbug. The main difference is that sowbugs do not roll up. This could have been a source of error because the difference in the two species may have attributed to the preferences of the isopods in the experiment. A second possible source of error was uneven lighting on our experiment. We gave our best effort to control the lighting and background as much as possible so that the experiment would not be affected, but there could have been something that was overlooked because a classroom environment is not the easiest thing to control. The last source of error was something that could not have been avoided. As time goes on, the pillbugs could have slowed down their movements compared to when they were first dropped into the bin due to their natural
The experiment measured the survival rate, the growth rate, and the size of the brine shrimp at the time harvested in various environments. To obtain these measurements, three environments were created: sea water, brackish water, and freshwater. For this experiment the scientists used 5 liter plastic buckets. Every two days, half of the water from each bucket was discarded and new water, of each respective salinity, was added into each bucket...
The experiment is aimed at giving a better understatement of osmosis process and the different conditions in which osmosis occurs.
Defense: Due to the lack of any inherent defense mechanisms, the species relies on its camouflage as its sole mechanism for defense. Naturally, high amounts of vegetation present in an area provide an aid to the protection of the freshwater shrimp from its predators and allow a greater chance of the survival of the species.
Imagine you are in your backyard and you say to your friend, “You better stand way back for my high fastball because I have the power of a shrimp.” Your friend chuckles and says, “Well that means I better stand right in front of you.” You quickly throw the ball, and it flies way out into space. Typically, the word, “shrimp,” indicates that a person, animal, or object is meager or weak. However, a shrimp that is actually no shrimp at all has the ability to become the top pitcher in the world. However, there are many other unique creatures as well that possess special, almost unbelievable qualities that enable them to survive.
While brine shrimp seem to be good indicator species due to the fact that they are all very genetically similar, they are not. The brine shrimp react are too sensitive towards the rubbing alcohol then humans would be. Due to their size and the way they in take the toxins, by being soaked in it, is very different from the way humans intake it, which causes them to be bad indicator
In 5 petri dishes used pipettes to gather 20 live brine shrimp and place in each dish. Labeled each petri dish accordingly and then observed the live brine shrimp in their controlled environment for 5 minutes. After the 5 minutes I counted the number of live brine shrimp and recorded the information. Hypothesis is that 20% concentration of ammonia will kill off 50% of the brine shrimp.
Materials used for this experiment includes 8 plastic cups, 8 ziplock bags, and rubbing alcohol. The plastic cups and ziplock bags were numbered from one through 8. The cups were placed in two different habitats; four cups in each habitat. The first habitat was near a canal and the second habitat was under a tree. In the first habitat, a six-inch hole were dug and cup one was
There will be four different categories of pond (A, B, C, and D). The purpose of having four categories is to replicate each experiment three times to make sure our results are accurate. Each of the twelve ponds will be seven feet deep and each pond will have a total surface area of one acre. According to Brian Swistock, an expert from Penn State Extension, Lepomis Macrochirus prefer and have optimal growth with water temperatures ranging between 70F- 80F. They also adapt best when introduced to their new pond environment when they are two ounces. (Swistock, 2017) We can distinguish between the different categories of ponds (A, B, C, and D) by the different parts per billion concentrations of the herbicide Clipper. Category A ponds will have 0 parts per billion concentration, category B ponds will have 100 parts per billion concentration, category C ponds will have 200 parts per billion concentration, and category D ponds will have 400 parts per billion concentration. We have selected to use the herbicide Clipper because the active ingredient in Clipper is the group 14 herbicide, Flumioxazin, which, according to recent studies has shown to have “little effect on growth, survival, and feed conversion of the bluegill sunfish Lepomis Macrochirus. (Umphres IV, Roelke, and Netherland, 2013) This allows us to control the amount of aquatic plant life in the ponds without affecting our dependent variable, the