Brief Intervention In Substance Abuse Essay

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Interventions for substance abuse have been used for years by alcohol and drug counselors, social workers, psychologists, physicians, and nurses too. Mostly, primary care providers like using brief intervention techniques when addressing substance abuse cases with clients that are not able to access an actual treatment center. These brief interventions are procedures used with individuals that have a high-risk of using and abusing drugs and advocate for behaviors that are appropriate when dealing with specialist treatment type of setting that are performed by alcohol and drug counselors. Brief interventions are used through a specific plan and the timelines for adoption of specific behaviors. A lot of studies about brief interventions …show more content…

Substance abuse treatment programs are used by brief interventions personnel because they are more effective and comprehensive for clients with substance abuse disorders. It is very important for the substance abuse treatment counselors to use primary care providers, employee assistance program personnel, wellness clinic staff and other community-based service providers. Some benefits of using brief interventions in substance abuse treatment settings are; reduced dropout rates after the first session of treatment, increased compliance for doing homework, and reduce aggression and …show more content…

A lot of treatment centers are lacking the follow up services for patients that are freshly out of rehabilitation centers. Seeking treatment has several important factors to be considered including seeking for an emotional and a behavioral problem to partake in treatment. Making a decision to see a mental health professional can have another enlightenment in your level of happiness and life situations. Anticipating that clients are going to feel better when the stress has left is very uncommon because it is going to take time and patience is needed before they begin to feel

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