Breastfeeding Could Save 800, 000 A Year

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Breastfeeding Could Save 800,000 Children a Year
In the article “Breastfeeding Could Save 800,000 a Year”, Aneri Pattani talks about how breastfeeding is crucial to the growth and development of newborns and how it could save thousands of children’s life. During her visit to Liberia, Pattani learned that breast milk is the main source of nutrients for an infant, as it contains substances that hinder several diseases, preventing the child from illnesses and lowering the chances of death. According to the National Institute of Health, breastfeeding protects against infections, some allergies, diseases, and lessen the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) during the child’s first year (“What are the benefits of breastfeeding?,” n.d.) . Furthermore, Pattani states that 800,000 infants’ life could be safe if breastfeeding is …show more content…

This statistic is also reported by the World Health Organization, which says if boosting breastfeeding globally, more than 800,000 children’s life could be save yearly (“Increasing breastfeeding could save 800 000 children and US$ 300 billion every year,” n.d.). Moreover, she says breastfeeding contributes to improve the economy in the world as it enhanced mental development, which allows children to obtain greater educational attainments resulting in a better quality of life.
Pattani, also utters that another benefit of breast milk is that it is efficient and economic and available at any time. However, due to traditions and customs several women do not breastfeed their newborns. Pattani, narrates that she met Yei Vahn, who claims giving water from the well to her four months old child, instead of breast milk. She began this

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