Breakup Persuasive Essay

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Once in your life, you will face a traumatic “breakup” with either your friends, your parents, or even a significant other. You could be in your teens, or even in adulthood, but every person will face this difficult predicament one way or another. It is inevitable that each individual encountering this “breakup” will start by blaming the other person, and believing that, their plan was to hurt you all along. Our minds are wired to automatically think of the worse case scenario, and that is what the following philosophy believes. “An individual coming to a “breakup” in any kind of relationship, Individual A will begin to believe that the actions caused by individual(s) B were planned to be spiteful. After a breakup it is inevitably in our …show more content…

The idea of hindsight is that the individual will claim to have seen the vent occurring but have no proof to back up that belief. This belief relates to the created philosophy because, the side effects of the hindsight biases, is that it will cause the individual to have memory disorientation, and false theoretical outcomes. In the inevitable emotional self protection theory, the individual potentially would create, false scenarios where it proves that the end of the relationship, was a planned scheme (Wikipedia, 2015). For example, as the relationship ends, the individual will go back on every moment with that person, and replay memories that don't make much sense, or the can be taken more ways then one. The friend could be talking to another girl, or boy, that you don't like. They would tell you that conversation meant nothing, and you will believe it for the time being, but when that relationship ends, and you revisit that memory, your mind will begin to create a new outcome, where you believe that “friend” was being unkind. Creating memory disorientation and a sense of paranoia. This biases is closely related to the cognitive biases which atlas about our cognitive processes and how it can be disoriented or manipulated by your

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