Breaking Social Norms Essay

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When I was reading the assignment, the first thing I thought I would try as a way of breaking the norms is pretty simple but for some reason I knew it will be a very good example because I work at a warehouse, it have all kind of people from different cultures so I decided, it will be a perfect place to try my experiment, I decided to simply say hello to everyone and shake their hand and ask them about their day during the break time, before doing it I tried to imagine the reaction that I will get simply by thinking about what would I do if someone did the same thing to me . We may be very different from each other as an individual, different culture, religion and beliefs but despite all of this difference, we all go by almost the …show more content…

Anything different will be considered as a violation of our social norms, it’s like there is a script for our social norm that determine how a certain social interaction should proceed. For example, the standard restaurant includes waiting to be seated, and the server will explain your food choices, and you are supposed to ask for a certain food rather than getting it yourself, and certain ways for eating your food and paying your bill. There is no doubt that those social norms are a way to achieve a social purpose, such as collaboration, punishment, or justice, but it’s not just because of this. Many social norms are not really determined and the objectives they may serve sometime is unknown.
This norm also can result to some harmful practices, and the reason that they still get practice is that individuals and families will choose to earn social status and respect even if they have to follow those harmful norms. People usually do not diverge from these social norms for the risk of being excluded and rejected. all social behavior is related to things like sharing, cooperation, and competition but they definitely differ in different society and culture. The reaction we get when we violate those norms may depend on who violated it and also change depend on the contexts, both of participants and observers and the location. So, the same rule may not apply, or be implemented as strongly as

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