Breakfast At Tiffany's Representation Of Love

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What is your definition of love? Is it a feeling of profound affection for someone or something or could it be a representation of the age-old tale of cupid’s arrow? There are several ways that the word love can be described, either way it has the same effect on any person. In the book, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” Holly Golightly portrayal of love is undeniably noticeable. From the love her dear brother, Fred Barnes, to her unnamed cat, Holly’s display of affection shines brightly throughout the novel. Siblings bring a warm and loving affection to the lives of their sisters and brothers, yet they can be somewhat overbearing. Not in the case of Holly Golightly. She was her brothers biggest fan, in other words she, to some extent, admired him. Although she would describe her brother as being “slow”, she admires his sweet personality and his love for peanut butter. She even goes to the length of giving the narrator the name Fred, after her late brother. She also compares the narrator to her brother by his petite figure. Holly also revealed affections for the narrator. The narrator explains that “our understanding of each other had reached that sweet depth where two people communicate more often in silence than in words”. (Capote) In other words, Ms. …show more content…

I was no secret that Holly was considered a lady of the night. She presents herself with great class but is not afraid to be blunt. She dates older men who exhibits great importance and is quite wealthy. They would lavish her with expensive presents and money; however her apartment would convey a different story. She often refers to Tiffany’s, a high fashion jewelry store, as her place of escape from a place that she feels lost in. Tiffany’s is place where Holly believes the world should be; a place of protection, happiness and love. She often dreams of searching for a home somewhere like Tiffany’, where could settle down and be

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