Brand Reflection Paper

866 Words2 Pages

My reflection paper consists of information about:
• Perceptual Map to Reposition
• Products and Services
• Product Life Cycle
• Branding and Brand Management “Product positioning refers to the place a product occupies in consumers’ minds based in important attributes relative to competitive products (Kerin, Hartley, 256).” “Product repositioning can be identified by changing the place a product occupies in a consumer’s mind relative to competitive products (Kerin, Hartley, 256).” When referring to product positioning and product repositioning, we have something called a perceptual map. A perceptual map is a display in two dimensions the location of products or brands in the minds of consumer (Kerin, Hartley, 257). A perceptual map allows a manager to evaluate how consumers compete with different products or brands. A perceptual map can be considered a design that shows the average target market. With the perceptual map there are four steps to key position a product or brand fluently. The four steps consist of: identifying the important attributes for a product or brand class, next, discover how target customers rate competing products or brands with respect to these attributes, then discover where the company’s product or brand is on these attributes in the minds of …show more content…

“The product life cycle describes the stages a new product goes through in the marketplace: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline (Kerin, Hartley, 292).” Introduction is when the product is introduced, sales grow slower and profit is minimal. The second stage is called the growth stage. The growth stage is when sales increase because of new people using or trying the product. The third stage is called maturity, is the opposite of the growth stage because sales are increasing slowly at rates. The last stage is called the decline stage. The decline stage is when sales have drop due to the consumers or there is no use in the product

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