Brainwashing In Going Clear

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In both films the leaders use brainwashing when people first join. When Martha first arrives at the farm in Martha Marcy May Marlene she is confused and unsure of herself. After a while, she began to feel comfortable and trust them. In Going Clear when people first get into the church they go into an auditing session and are told that they need to be cleansed of everything and tell all of their secrets to the auditor. They begin to trust the people of the church and let them continue to treat them horribly. It takes a long time for the people of both films to realize that the group they are a part of is actually hurting them. In Martha Marcy May Marlene it takes Martha two years for her to realize that she doesn't want to be a part of the group …show more content…

They don’t really care about the hygiene or well being of their members or their children. One lady named Spanky had a child in the daycare facility and her baby got so sick that there was mucus coming out of her eyes. The management of Scientology were also very manipulative. They sent Spanky out to get John Travolta back to the church and when the auditor went out to him, Travolta was told not to trust her anymore. So they used Spanky as bait to ensure that Travolta didn’t leave them. They needed him because he was famous. The longer they were able to keep him the more people would join because of how influential he was. They also isolated Tom Cruise from everyone he loved. When he fell in love with one of his co stars they ruled her a suppressive person because he was so close to her that he was distancing himself from the church. They made them break up and paired him up with someone else that they thought suitable. With Jesus Camp the radical Evangelicals are harmful towards the kids’ mental health. Some of the kids are okay and mostly normal they just have very strong beliefs, which is perfectly fine. However, the one little boy with blonde hair that was crying on the stage describing how he felt was the most heartbreaking things I’ve ever seen. He felt so guilty because there were some times when he doubted his faith, but he was only six years old. The adults in the room during his little confession were looking at him like he just did the most disgraceful thing in the world. He was only six though, it should’ve been fine for him to question and wonder things without being put on the spot for it and making him feel guilty about

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