Borrowing Money Throughout the US History

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People will face adversity every day but no matter how tough the situation, people will rise. The United States brought people together to face their adversities against England to become what the world calls it today. The U.S., the land of the free and the home of the brave. On July 4, 1776, the U.S. government sought an opportunity to make a government where power distributed evenly, which no person or group has more power than the other does.
The government made progress throughout the years molding it into the worldwide supremacy of all countries. The government went from powerhouse to a deficit crisis, quickly. The U.S. government deficit exceeded $17 trillion on October 17, 2013 (Amadeo, 2013). In future years, the government will have to pay the deficit off and when that day comes, they will have to make a decision. The government will have to continue to borrow money, but needs to become self-aware of how and where the money goes before resulting to crowding out or future generations’ choices become limited on how to deal with the deficit leaving them no choice but to increase taxes, which can potentially deteriorate the economy.
The United States has borrowed money for centuries. The Bureau of the Public Debt underway in 1789, and in 1791, they recorded their first debt $75 million exalting the Revolutionary War (Bussing-Burks, 2013). Reaching 1835, the balance finally zero out until the Civil War took place hitting $65 million in 1860 (Bussing-Burks, 2013). In 1866, the debt reached $2.7 billion with the proliferation of wars in the U.S., by 1970, the debt extended to $382 billion (Bussing-Burks, 2013). The history of debt shows how in the late 1700s until late 1900s that most came from war, which can be explained. Sin...

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