Born First Born Smarter Summary

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In the article, Born First, Born Smarter?, researchers, Robert Zajonc and Gregory Markus, clarify and elucidate the mystery as to why firstborn children tend to have a higher intelligence than that of a subsequent child. The research given in the article was influenced by the data and findings of Belmont and Marolla, as well as other nameless researchers. The theory that Zajonc and Markus proposed was that the birth order of children was closely related to their intelligence ranking. Through their research they began to decipher and support this theory. Zajonc and Markus also presented the idea, “that as family size increased, the average intellectual climate of the family decreased.” In other words, the subsequent children are influenced differently than a first born, so their intellectual stimulation is more lacking, causing a decrease in the overall family confluence score. The researchers organized an experiment to explain this concept. The experiment consisted of two parents who each started out a value of 100 and each infant received a value of 0. As more babies were born, the family’s average intellectual value went down up until the fifth child where it picks back up again because the cognitive value of each child goes up as they get older.
As a family grows, there is a variance in ages, …show more content…

Through data from Raven test scores and pulled information from other studies, Zajonc and Markus were able to dig deeper into the investigation of validating their hypothesis. Nevertheless, their information cannot actually be presented as concrete evidence. On that note, many scientists actually oppose their theory and believe nurturing is more of a factor in the development of a child’s intellectual ability. Both theories overlap to an extent, but there still remain

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