Borderline Personality Disorder In The Movie Girl Interrupted

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The movie Girl, Interrupted was released in 1999 and focuses on the story of an eighteen year old girl named Susanna Kaysen (Winona Ryder), who was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. The story is based around Susanna’s personal struggles and when she was admitted into a mental hospital for trying to kill herself. Throughout the movie she further explains what made her decide to check herself into the institution, what it was like living there, and other thoughts she had towards the world. Susanna was admitted into Claymoore Hospital and was diagnosed with a borderline personality disorder. I believe that Susanna met the criteria for a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. A person that has been diagnosed with BPD are …show more content…

We know that she tried to kill herself by taking a bottle of aspirin with vodka even though she denies it so many times claiming that she took it because she had a severe headache, but everyone including Susanna knew it wasn’t true, she just didn’t want to admit it. The second unhealthy behavior was Susanna’s attempts to remain in meaningless relationships to avoid feeling abandoned. In the middle of the movie, she had a flashback of the affair she had with one of the teachers and with a guy that she met at a party after her high school graduation. In both cases, she was having meaningless sex and staying in the relationships so that she felt loved and wanted, and not rejected. The third unhealthy behavior was her mood swings. She experienced a shift in moods and felt like she had no sense of herself at all, she felt herself getting worse. Toward the end of the movie, Susanna was convinced she wasn’t going to get better and she even got defensive over what Dr. Wick (Vanessa Redgrave) and Nurse Valerie (Whoopi Goldberg) were telling her about her diagnosis. Luckily Nurse Valerie insist she is not crazy but

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