Book Report: Flowers For Algernon

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Jackson King
P. 4
English 9 Honors

Flowers for Algernon
Report 8

Charlie memories of the past increase as his intelligence grow. Charlie can finally leave the hospital and go back to work at the bakery. He continues tests with Algernon and Bert.
Charlie finally beats Algernon in the maze test but he still cannot understand the complicated interactions with his coworkers. He is beginning to become more aware of his own feelings and question authority. He is also beginning to remember more from his childhood.

Report 9

Charlie gets a promotion at work and is now a dough mixer, getting a 4-dollar raise. Although he is not allowed to tell people about his surgery his changes are becoming noticeable to those who have known him …show more content…

After odd exchanges, Charlie gets scared and act weird. The women call others to help her causing Charlie to run away.

Report 13

Charlie goes to Chicago to International Psychological Association convention. Charlie tries to add on to a conversation but he realizes that Strauss and Nemur are not as smart as he thought. Charlie has learned to speak more languages in the last two weeks than the scientist can speak. This angers Charlie and Burt has to calm him down. During the presentation Charlie realizes that Nemur has not given the experiment enough time to make sure the effects are permanent. He can see the flaws in the experiment that the scientist cannot. The scientist even withheld information from Charlie about Algernon behavior.
Charlie lets Algernon out of his cage. While everybody struggled to catch him Charlie runs in to the women’s bathroom before everyone else. Charlie is able to catch the mouse and hides Algernon in his pocket. The two sneak away, take a flight back to New York where they’re going to stay in a hotel for a few days and then get an apartment. Charlie now knows for sure he will lose his intelligence.

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Earlier he noticed that the fire escape connects their apartments. They instantly become friends and she follows him into his apartment.
The next day he finds his fathers barbershop, but Matt does not recognize him. He thinks Charlie is an average Joe. Charlie gets a haircut, shave, and shampoo. He remembers the night that his father took him to live with Uncle Herman after Rose snapped; threatening to kill Charlie with a carving knife if he did not leave. Charlie starts having a panic attack but tries to calm down so Matt does not see it. Charlie cannot tell his dad that he is his son, so disheartened he leaves.
Algernon does well in the new mazes with out any motivation except getting to the goal itself. Fay buys a female mouse named Minnie for Algernon to have as a friend. They have a few drinks and Charlie passes out. Fay tells him that he acted like a little kid when he was drunk. Charlie realizes that the old mentally impaired Charlie has not

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